National Testing Register
Research Capabilities
The database below contains equipment and facilities that reside within NZ research institutions that can be accessed on a commercial basis. You can use a keyword search or filter the entries based on any of the search criterion. Many of the entries contain direct links to contact regarding access. If you would like to enquire about access to items that do not have a specific link, or if you would like to list items yourself, please contact us at
Instrument Name | Category | Description | Type | Organization | Region | Contact | |
GeSiM 3.1 Bioscaffolder | Additive Manufacturing | A 4-axis multi-modal 3D bioprinter, flexible 3D scaffold/construct manufacturing platform. Only one of its kind in New Zealand. |
Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
University of Otago | Lower South Island | Jaydee Cabral | |
3D Systems Figure 4 Standalone 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from photopolymers; uses vat photopolymerisation (layer by layer) technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
ABB IRB 1200 Robot Based 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture large parts from variety of materials; uses material extrusion technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Cellink Bio X 3D Bioprinter | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printer which can manufacture organ-like structures from cells and biomaterials; uses material extrusion technique. | Biological | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Cometrue M10 CERAMIC & Binder Jetting 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various powders; uses binder jetting technique. Currently used for R&D with powdered food materials. |
Ceramic Powders |
University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
EOS Formiga P110 Velocis 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printer which can manufacture parts from polymers; uses selective laser sintering (SLS) technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
EOS M290 Metal Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printer which can manufacture parts from metals; uses direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) technique. | Metal | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Formlabs Form 3 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from acrylate; uses vat photopolymerisation (layer by layer) technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Mankati E180 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses material extrusion technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Mimaki 3DUJ-553 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printer which can manufacture parts from acrylate in full colour; uses material jetting technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Photocentric Liquid Crystal Magna 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from photopolymers; uses vat photopolymerisation (layer by layer) technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Photocentric Liquid Crystal Opus 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from photopolymers; uses vat photopolymerisation (layer by layer) technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Sharebot MetalOne 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printer which can manufacture parts from metals; uses direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) technique. | Metal | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Sintratec Kit 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printer which can manufacture parts from polymers; uses selective laser sintering (SLS) technique. | Polymer | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Prusa i3 MK3S 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses fused deposition modeling technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Creality 3D PrintMill (CR-30) 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses fused deposition modeling technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Creality CR10-S 3D Printer (Modified) | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses fused deposition modeling technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Projet MJP 2500 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses material jetting/multijet printing technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Projet MJP 3500 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses material jetting/multijet printing technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Projet MJP 5500X 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses material jetting/multijet printing technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Prusa i3 MK3S 3D Printer + MMU2S Upgrade Kit | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses fused deposition modeling technique. the MMU2S Upgrade kit enables printing with up to 5 different colour filaments at the same time. |
Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Stratasys Fortus 250mc 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses fused deposition modeling technique. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
Stratasys Objet350 Connex2 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | 3D Printer which can manufacture parts from various plastics; uses material jetting/multijet printing technique, features polyjet technology. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
3D Printer for Biological Materials | Additive Manufacturing | Uses cells to print 3D objects, e.g. for replicating tumor growth. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT2 Two-photon Polymerisation 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | Currently the world’s highest precision 3D printer, allows high-speed fabrication of fully three-dimensional nano- and micro-scale structures with lateral features down to 160 nm. Can be used for prototyping, small series production of ultra-high precision parts, the assembly-free production of optical components on chip, tooling for moulds and subsequent mass production. At UC, examples of these include the development of next-generation lab-on-a-chip devices for medical and biosecurity applications, nano-robotics, metamaterials, and the fabrication of biomimetic structures to study cells and bacteria. | Biological Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Volker Nock | |
Workshop 3D printers | Additive Manufacturing | For fabrication of specialist equipment to support research activities | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Craftbot Flow IDEX 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | The Craftbot Flow IDEX printer is a duel independent 3D printing system capable of printing using a range of materials up to 300 C. Uses fuse deposition modelling technology. | Metal Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
CreatBot F430 3D printer | Additive Manufacturing | Polymer 3D printer; uses extrusion method. | Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Rachel Wallace | |
ABB Large Fixed Robotic Arm | Additive Manufacturing | Used to investigate full scale additive and subtractive manufacture, and other programmatic CNC controlled applications using Robot Studio and other programs such as Rhino / grasshopper.. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Ken Howe | |
ABB Small Mobile Robotic Arm | Additive Manufacturing | Used largely for small scale testing, demonstrations of activities used by the large robotic arm. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Arthur Mahon | |
BigRep ONE v3 3D Printer | Additive Manufacturing | Largeformat fused deposition modelling 3D printer. | Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Phil Jarrett | |
StrataSys J850/VOXEL 3D Colour Printer | Additive Manufacturing | Polymer 3D printer able to print flexible and rigid multi-colour prints, down to a VOXEL level of detail. A VOXEL is like a PIXEL but in 3 dimensions. | Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Hamish Morgan | |
Thermo Scientific Process 11 ABS Extrusion Machine | Additive Manufacturing | This a laboratory plastic extrusion machine, used for trailing /researching different plastic mixes and recycling scenarios, with the suite of FDM 3D printers on site – in particular the Big Rep. This enables an end-to-end product recycling or specialist resin “mixes” for research. | Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Hamish Morgan | |
Andor Kymera 328i Spectrograph | Analytical Testing | Used to measure the properties of light over a specific portion of the EM spectrum. Measures photoluminescence quantum yield and conducts fluence/temperature dependent measurements. | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nathaniel Davis | |
Quantachrome iQ2 Gas Adsorption Analyser | Analytical Testing | Measures gas adsorption of porous materials. Quantities such as gas uptake, BET surface area, and pore size distribution can be calculated. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
Massey University | Lower North Island | Shane Telfer | |
Bruker Powder X-ray Diffractometer (PXRD) | Analytical Testing | Measures the diffraction patterns of microcrystalline materials. This information can be used to determine sample composition by reference to known materials. | Ceramic Metal Powders Solid |
Massey University | Lower North Island | Shane Telfer | |
Q-Sense E4 Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) | Analytical Testing | Used to study interactions of molecules and biomolecules with surfaces in real time. Measures the adsorbed mass. Ideal for antifouling testing. | Biological Liquid Polymer |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | ||
Kratos Axis Ultra X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) | Analytical Testing | Used to identify the elemental composition and chemical state of a sample or its surface, and the overall electronic structure and density of the electronic states. | Metal Solid |
University of Auckland, Research Centre for Surface and Materials Science | Upper North Island | Catherine Hobbis | |
Bruker D2 Phaser Benchtop Powder X-ray Diffractometer (PXRD) | Analytical Testing | Measures the diffraction patterns of microcrystalline materials. This information can be used to determine sample composition by reference to known materials. | Ceramic Metal Powders Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr. Alec Asadov | |
Rigaku Ultima IV X-ray Powder X-ray Diffractometer (PXRD) | Analytical Testing | Measures the diffraction patterns of microcrystalline materials. This information can be used to determine sample composition by reference to known materials. | Ceramic Metal Powders Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr. Alec Asadov | |
Kern Moisture Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the moisture content of a material | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Netzsch Jupiter STA-449 F5 Thermogravimetric Analyser/Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TGA/DSC) | Analytical Testing | DSC – Used to measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in samples. TGA – Used to determine the thermal stability of a sample and its fraction of volatile components via monitoring its weight as the temperature is changed. |
Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
PerkinElmer RamanStation 400F Raman Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Non-desctructive analytical technique used to determine detailed information about the chemical structure of the sample. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Philips X’pert Diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation | Analytical Testing | Used to determine composition, phases, residual stresses, and crystal structure of crystalline samples. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Bruker Vertex 80v Interferometer | Analytical Testing | Research level Fourier transform infrared vacuum spectrometer. Extensive series of spectral measurements have been made over a wide spectral band on the electron correlated rare-earth nitride semiconductors. Other studies include the wide band semiconductor, ZnO, a range of Heusler alloys where the role of atomic disorder in the magnetic and semiconductor properties was studied, and the role of defects in determining the physical properties of the topological insulator, Bi2Se3. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Bob Buckley | |
Agilent Cary 5000 Ultraviolet-Visible-Near Infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | Measure light absorbance of samples across the ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. | Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
BET Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to evaluate the porosity of the sample; generates a specific surface area result expressed in units of area per mass of sample (m2/g). | Solid | University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Alec Asadov | |
EnSpire® Multimode Plate Reader | Analytical Testing | Used to measure chemical, biological or physical reactions, properties and analytes within the wells of a microplate. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) | Analytical Testing | Gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection (GC-FID) is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing the amount of compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) | Analytical Testing | Gas chromatography with mass spectrum detection (GCMS) is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing the mass of compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) | Analytical Testing | High performance liquid chromatography is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing of an organic mixture of compounds when such compounds are nonvolatile, thermally unstable, and have relatively high molecular weights. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
Malvern Mastersizer 2000 Particle Size Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the size and distribution of particles comprising a sample. | Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Laura Liang | |
Perkin Elmer Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Measures the infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid or gas. An FTIR spectrometer simultaneously collects high-resolution spectral data over a wide spectral range. | Gas Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
Shimadzu UV-2550 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Measure light absorbance of the sample across the ultraviolet and visible ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. | Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr Matthew Sidford | |
TA Instruments AR-G2 Rheometer | Analytical Testing | Measure the way in which a liquid, suspension or slurry flows in response to applied forces. | Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Laura Liang | |
Theta Flex Optical Tensiometer (Goniometer) | Analytical Testing | Used to characterize material surface properties and interfacial interactions between gas, liquid, and solid phases. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Laura Liang | |
Absorbance/Flourescence Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Used to determine qualitative molecular structure of samples and also the quantitative characteristics of chemical reactions. This can be just the fluorescence spectrometer alone or as an instrument that simultaneously measures both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices. Commonly uses include measuring amounts of dissolved organic matter, quantity and types of suspended solids, and wine clarity. |
Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Blood Oxygen Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to measures the oxygen saturation of blood. | Biological Liquid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Chlorophyll Fluorometer | Analytical Testing | Used to measure chlorophyll A fluorescence in leaves. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Conductivity, Temperature, ion, pH Meters | Analytical Testing | The school has a variety of small instruments that measure one or more of the listed measures. Typically used with liquid substrates. | Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Conductivity, Temperature, Ion, pH, Dissolved oxygen, Salinity, and Turbidity Meters and Probes | Analytical Testing | The school has a variety of small instruments that measure one or more of the listed measures. Typically used with liquid substrates. | Biological Liquid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Dew Point Generator | Analytical Testing | Provides a stream of gas with a precisely controlled dew point. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) | Analytical Testing | Used to analyse mixtures and purity of proteins and macromolecules. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) Equipment | Analytical Testing | A wet-chemical analysis where peak area, rather than peak height, is used for quantitation of compounds. Used to analyze nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate levels in liquid. |
Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Measures the infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid or gas. An FTIR spectrometer simultaneously collects high-resolution spectral data over a wide spectral range. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) + Flame Ionisation Detection (FID) | Analytical Testing | Gas chromatography with mass spectrum detection (GCMS) is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing the mass of compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
HEMOX Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) and P50 values in blood. | Biological Liquid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Instruments | Analytical Testing | Analytical chemistry technique used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
High Resolution Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (ESI-MS) | Analytical Testing | Determines the molecular mass of a compound to very high accuracy (4dp), which is typically required for publication of new chemical compounds | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
ICS-2000 Ion Chromatography System | Analytical Testing | Separates ions and polar molecules based on their affinity to a stationary resin and the mobile phase (elutent). | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) + Laser Ablation | Analytical Testing | Used to detect trace metals via atomization of the sample. Samples are delivered into the system either in solution or through laser ablation, which gives high sensitivity and low fractionation. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Isotopic Water Analyzer | Analytical Testing | Measures ?18O, ?17O and ?2H ratios in liquids and gases. | Gas Liquid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Laser Particle Sizer (LPS) | Analytical Testing | Measures particle size of solids for both solids and solids suspended in liquid, common used with soil, wastewater, fertiliser testing | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) | Analytical Testing | Determines the elemental composition of the sample via analysis of microplasma generated via pulsed laser beam. | Biological Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Leaf Area Meters | Analytical Testing | Designed to quickly digitize the area, length and width of leaves. Can do cumulative measurements. The portable meter can be taken in the field and do non-destructive measurements on leaves. | Biological Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (LCMS) | Analytical Testing | Low resolution analysis of complex mixtures without the need for prior separation, which enables preliminary identification of chemical compounds. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Liquid Scintillator | Analytical Testing | Measures the radioactivity of a sample via mixing with a liquid scintillator and counting the resultant photon emissions. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Magrock Magnetic Susceptibility Meter | Analytical Testing | Measures magnetic susceptibility in rocks, cores and samples. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time Of Flight (MALDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Used to identify proteins, bacteria, mycobacteria and certain fungal pathogens through organisms having different protein signatures and comparing the signatures of samples to known signatures. Highly diagnostic, accurate, robust, reliable and with a rapid turn-around time. |
Biological Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
MicrOTOF Mass Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Analyzes mass resolution and mass accuracy in combination with the true isotopic pattern to determine the formula of small molecules, quality control of intact proteins, and metabolic studies. |
Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facilities | Analytical Testing | Analyse molecular structure at an atomic level. Broad range of applications e.g. identification of composition, rate experiments, binding speed etc. |
Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Polarimeter | Analytical Testing | Measures the optical rotation of optically active compounds. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Porometer | Analytical Testing | Used to determine leaf stomatal conductance. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Portable Photosynthesis Analyser | Analytical Testing | Measure the combined gas-exchange and fluorescence of leaves. Analyse the respiration and transpiration rates of plants and quantity yields. |
Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Radiocarbon Dating Equipment | Analytical Testing | Measures the age of materials containing carbon using carbon 14 dating. The older an object is, the less carbon 14 it has | Biological Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Resistivity Meter | Analytical Testing | Measures the flow of electric current through the ground to determine soil composition. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Scala Penetrometer | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the penetration resistance of soil and for profiling the soil strength at depth | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Single Mix Stop Flow with Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | Used to measure fast chemical reactions. Can help analyse drug-binding processes, or to determine protein structure. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Soil Gas Analysers | Analytical Testing | Measures gases (N2O, H2O, CO2) emitted by soils. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Soil Moisture Meter | Analytical Testing | Handheld instrument which measures the moisture content of soil. Available in Hamilton and Tauranga | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Spectrophotometer (Purity) | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the purity of DNA, RNA, and proteins. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Tensiometer | Analytical Testing | Portable meter which measures the surface tension of liquid. Can be used on a wide variety of liquids including oils, water and milk. | Biological Liquid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
UV-Visible Spectrometers | Analytical Testing | Measure light absorbance of the sample across the ultraviolet and visible ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Visible-Near Infrared (Vis-NIR) spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | Measure light absorbance of the sample across the visible and near infrared ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Equipment | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the chemical composition of crystalline materials. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Portable XRF | Analytical Testing | Non-destructive technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials via analysis of characteristic “secondary” X-rays generated through bombardment with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. Typically used for geological and archaeological samples. |
Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Xylem/Liquid Flow Embolism Meter | Analytical Testing | Measures the degree of xylem embolism in vascular plants. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
SRI Instruments Gas Chromatograph (GC) | Analytical Testing | Used to separate the chemical components of a sample mixture and then detect them to determine their presence or absence and/or how much is present. Normally connected to electrochemical reactors to detect products from electrochemical reactions. |
Gas | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Aaron Marshall | |
SRS Residual Gas Analyser Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) | Analytical Testing | Identifies the chemical components of a gas within a vacuum. Designed for connection to outlets form reactors, thermal gravimetric analysers (TGA) etc. |
Gas | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Aaron Marshall | |
ABET Sun 3000 Class AAA Solar Simulator | Analytical Testing | Mimics sun irradiance to provide spectral conditions for testing photovoltaic devices i.e. solar cells. | OtherSolid | University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Linda Chen | |
Elemental CN Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the C:N elemental ratio of organic compounds. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Portable Density/Specific Gravity/Concentration Meter | Analytical Testing | Handheld meter to measure the above for various liquids | Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Agilent 6420 Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (LCMS) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique used for separation, identification, and quantification of both unknown and known compounds as well as to elucidate the structure and chemical properties of different molecules. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | | |
Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) with Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and Flame Ionisation Detector (FID) | Analytical Testing | Used for separating and analyzing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | | |
Agilent 7890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) with Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and Flame Ionisation Detector (FID) | Analytical Testing | Used for separating and analyzing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | | |
Agilent LC1200 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) with UV detector and Fluorescence Detector (FLD) | Analytical Testing | Analytical chemistry technique used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | | |
Elementar Vario TOC Cube – Total Organic Carbon/Total Bound Nitrogen (TOC/TNB) Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the carbon and nitrogen content of aqueous samples. | Biological Liquid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Ngaire Foster | |
QuikChem 8500 – Lachat Flow Injection Analyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the amount of dissolved ammonium, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate ions in aqueous solutions via injection of the sample into a flowing carrier stream. | Liquid | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Ngaire Foster | |
SPECTRO GENESIS Inductively-Coupled Plasma Excitation Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) | Analytical Testing | Determines the elemental composition of a sample using plasma and a spectrometer. Used to determine the amount of metals in soil, plants, water etc. | Biological Liquid Metal Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Ngaire Foster | |
TruMac CN Carbon / Nitrogen Determinator (LECO) | Analytical Testing | Uses IR absorption and thermal conductivity to determine the carbon and nitrogen content of plant and soils. | Biological Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Ngaire Foster | |
Various Equipment for Analysis of Soil | Analytical Testing | Various physical screening and vacuum/pressure equipment for the analysis of soil samples. | Biological Solid |
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | John Claydon | ClaydonJ@landcare |
Agilent 7890B Gas Chromatograph (GC) with 7693A liquid sampler and 7697A Headspace sampler | Analytical Testing | Used for separating and analyzing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Gas Liquid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Agilent Infinity 1260 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) with UV Detection | Analytical Testing | High performance liquid chromatography is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing of an organic mixture of compounds when such compounds are nonvolatile, thermally unstable, and have relatively high molecular weights. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Bruker Tensor 27 Infrared Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | Measures the infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid or liquid. | Liquid Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Metrohm Compact Flex 930 Ion Chromatograph | Analytical Testing | Separates ions and polar molecules based on their affinity to a stationary resin and the mobile phase (elutent). | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Mettler Toledo C30 Coulometric Karl Fischer Titrator | Analytical Testing | Uses coulometric or volumetric titration to determine the amount of trace water in a liquid sample. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Cascade Microtech 11000 Probe Station and Parameter Analysis | Analytical Testing | For testing the response of a device to external electrical, optical, or RF external stimulus. Ideal for testing temperature-sensitive devices because the MicroChamber’s low volume enables rapid temperature cycling and better temperature control. Other applications include device and process characterization, as well as reliability testing. Depending on the probes and accessories that customize this probe station, you can make DC or capacitance measurements or high-frequency measurements. | Other Solid |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Martin Allen | |
Digital Instrument Dimension 3100 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) | Analytical Testing | Uses a sharp tip to scan a small area on the surface of a thin film sample. This provides an image of the surface features of the sample. | OtherSolid | University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Linda Chen | |
Raith 150 Electron Beam Writer with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) | Analytical Testing | Scans a focused beam of electron to draw custom shapes on a surface covered with electron-sensitive flim. Capable of direct e-beam exposure, wafer scale process development at suboptical resolution. In addition the SEM side can be used to obtain large high magnification tiled images by taking advantage of the high resolution interferometer stage. |
Other Solid |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Gary Turner | |
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) Analysis | Analytical Testing | Precisely measures the mixtures of naturally occuring isotopes in a sample, used for product certification, forensic and geological analysis | Gas Liquid Solid |
Isotrace New Zealand | Lower South Island | Robert Van Hale | |
Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence pH Meter | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the pH of various liquid samples. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Mettler Toledo Titration Excellence T5 Auto-Titrator | Analytical Testing | Automated titration system for efficient screening and sample preparation analysis. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Thermo Fisher Corona Veo RS Charged Aerosol Detector | Analytical Testing | Measures the amount of chemicals in a sample via generation of charged aerosol particles; coupled with liquid chromatography (LC). | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Waters Acquity Classic Liquid Chromatograph (LC) with UV detection | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique in which the mobile phase is a liquid in which sample ions or molecules are dissolved. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Waters Acquity I-Class Liquid Chromatograph (LC) with UV detection | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique in which the mobile phase is a liquid in which sample ions or molecules are dissolved. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Waters QDa Mass Detector | Analytical Testing | Measures the mass-to-charge ratio of ions, which is used to identify chemical components of a sample. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Waters Refractive Index Detector | Analytical Testing | Analytical detection coupled with liquid chromatography (LC), which measures the refractive index of an analyte relative to the solvent. | Liquid | Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Tim Thomas | 027-3144828 |
Compaction Test Apparatus | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the density (w c) of concrete | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Constant Head Permeameter | Analytical Testing | For measuring the permability of samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FT-IR) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique used to identify organic, polymeric, and in some cases inorganic materials. The FTIR analysis method uses infrared light to scan test samples and observe chemical properties. | Liquid Solid |
University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID), Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector (GC-BID) | Analytical Testing | Gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection (GC-FID) is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing the amount of compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition.”This gas chromatograph has 2 types of detectors: FID and Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector (BID), which has same capability as the FID detector but also detects other non-Carbon containing compounds (i.e. N2O gas).” | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) | Analytical Testing | Gas chromatography with mass spectrum detection (GCMS) is an analytical technique which allows for separating and analysing the mass of compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture. Used to analyse non-volatile polar compounds at ppm, ppb levels. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Hydrometers and Mixers | Analytical Testing | Used to analyze the size of silt or clay particles | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Ion Chromatograph (IC) | Analytical Testing | Used to analyse aqueous samples containing ppm quantities of common anions (such as fluoride, chloride, nitrite, nitrate, and sulphate). | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Liquid Chromatograph – Mass Spectrometer (LCMS) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry. Used to analyse non-volatile polar compound at ppm, ppb and ppt levels. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (MPAES) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique used for simultaneous multi-analyte determination of major and minor elements. Most commonly used for heavy metals analysis. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Muffle Furnace | Analytical Testing | For testing of organic matter content in soil | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Pressure Plate Extractor | Analytical Testing | For studying the moisture retention of samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometer (Py-GCMS) | Analytical Testing | Used to characterize most materials including insoluble and complex materials at trace levels often without any sample pre-treatment e.g. polymers, plastics, rubber, paints, dyes, resins, coatings, cellulose, wood, textiles, oils etc. | PolymerSolid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Sand Replacement Apparatus | Analytical Testing | For in-situ density testing of sand | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Shear Vane Sets | Analytical Testing | For measuring the in-situ shear strength of soil in field testing | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Sieve Shakers | Analytical Testing | Used to analyze the size of dry or wet particles | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Simple Shear Measurement Device | Analytical Testing | Measures shear strength of soil | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC) | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the amount of carbon (TC, IC, TOC) in water samples. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Ultraviolet – Visible Spectrophotometer (UV-Vis) | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Lokesh Padhye | |
Vibrating Table | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the density of sand | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Dionex ICS-5000 Ion Chromatograph | Analytical Testing | For analyzing the composition of ice core samples | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Antarctic Research Centre | Lower North Island | Nancy Bertler | |
AKTA Flux Diafiltration/Concentration System | Analytical Testing | Multi-litre molecular sizing and dialysis/ultra filtration. A semi-automated tangential flow filtration/cross flow filtration system for concentration and diafiltration as well as cell harvest and clarification. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Hinkley | |
Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) | Analytical Testing | Used for the purification of proteins. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Flash Automated Chromatography | Analytical Testing | Multiple Buchi automated flash chromatography systems for automated and quick isolation of compounds using UV and ELSD detection. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | | |
Fluorometer | Analytical Testing | For the determination of biomolecule concentration. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionisation Detector (GC-FID) | Analytical Testing | For separation and quantification of volatile chemical compounds in a sample. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Ian Sims | |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometer (GC-MS) | Analytical Testing | For separation and mass identification of volatile chemical compounds in a sample. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Ian Sims | |
High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detector (HPAEC-PAD) | Analytical Testing | Specialist analytical HPLC for the separation and quantitation of mono- and oligo-saccharides. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Tracey Bell | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) | Analytical Testing | Separation and detection of chemical compounds in a sample to determine sample purification. Detectors include UV and fluorescence and refractive index detectors. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Susie Carnachan | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) | Analytical Testing | For separation and detection of chemical compounds in a sample to determine sample purification. Detectors include UV and CAD. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Jaime Hill | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with ultra-violet (UV), Refractive Index (RI) and Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering (MALLS) detectors. | Analytical Testing | Specalist analytical HPLC for size determination of oligo- and polymeric structures. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Ian Sims | |
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) | Analytical Testing | Used to measure molecular binding affinity constants. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS) with ultra-violet (UV) and evaporative light scattering (ELSD) detectors. | Analytical Testing | For reaction monitoring, separation and detection of chemical compounds in a sample to determine sample purification. Detectors include UV and ELSD. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Joshua Buckler | |
Mosquito Protein Crystalization System | Analytical Testing | Protein Crystalization Robot for Crystalization Condition Screening. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Nanophotometer | Analytical Testing | Used to determine biomolecule concentration. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Plate Reader | Analytical Testing | Used to measure chemical, biological or physical reactions, properties and analytes within the wells of a microplate. Equipped with cuvette and plate reading capability for UV/Vis absorption and fluorescence. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Susanna Chan | |
Quant Studio 3 for PCD | Analytical Testing | For DNA amplification, quantitative PCR and thermal shift assays. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Semi-preparative Liquid Chromatography (LC) | Analytical Testing | Low pressure (low flow rate) semi-preparative liquid chromatography system with fraction collector suitable for separating compounds (mg scale) on size exclusion, anion-exchange or other columns. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Tracey Bell | |
Simpliamp Thermal Cycler for PCR | Analytical Testing | For DNA amplification. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrum (UV-Vis) Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | For measurement of enzymatic activity by UV-Vis absortion change. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
AB SCIEX 5800 Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) System | Analytical Testing | For identification and relative quantitation of proteins. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Mike Davies | |
FACSCanto Flow Cytometer and HT Sampler | Analytical Testing | For measurement of cell characteristics (size, count, cycle etc.) | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Lifeng Peng | |
Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid with UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano Mass Spectrometer (MS) | Analytical Testing | Advanced mass spectrometry system that can be upgraded to even higher resolution (1M), additional dissociation capabilities (UVPD and ETD), and a unique internal calibration (IC). Excel at the most challenging of applications, including low level PTM analysis, multiplexed relative quantitation using isobaric tags, intact protein characterization, as well as MSn analysis of small molecules. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | kostas bouloukakis | |
Agico JR6A Rock Magnetometer | Analytical Testing | For measurement of the remanent magnetisation of rock, sediment or archaeomagnetic samples for palaeomagnetic studies. Complementary laboratory equipment for thermal demagnetisation, alternating field demagnetisation, magnetic susceptibility studies including variation with temperature, and isothermal remanent magnetisation studies. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Jan Vorster | |
Agilent 6530 Quadrupole – Time of Flight (QTOF) High Resolution Liquid Chromatograph – Mass Spectrometer (LCMS) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry. Used to analyse non-volatile polar compound at ppm, ppb and ppt levels. | LiquidSolid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | For fluorescent measurements in life sciences and biotechnology, with high sensitivity and inherent bleaching protection for photosensitive samples. Fast data collection enables kinetics measurements, while fiber optics allow for remote sample measurements. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Rachel Wallace | |
Agilent Technologies 1120 Liquid Chromatograph (LC) | Analytical Testing | Suited for routine analyses in the food and fine chemical industries because of its capability to achieve very precise retention times and peak areas, as well as low detection limits for the analysed compounds. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nate Davis | |
Agilent Technologies 7820A Gas Chromatograph (GC) | Analytical Testing | Used to separate the chemical components of a sample mixture and then detect them to determine their presence or absence and/or how much is present. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Agilent Technologies 8453 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Jim Johnston | |
Agilent Technologies 8454 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrum (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Teresa Gen | |
Applied Photophysics Chirascan Plus CD Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Measures the Circular Dichroism of a molecule over a range of wavelengths. CD spectroscopy is used extensively to study chiral molecules of all types and sizes, but it is in the study of the secondary structure of large biological molecules is where it finds its most important applications. Structural, kinetic and thermodynamic information about macromolecules can be derived from circular dichroism spectroscopy. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
Bruker Alpha Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FT-IR) | Analytical Testing | Bruker Alpha FTIR is a quick and easy to use FTIR spectrometer | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Williams | |
Bruker Alpha II Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique used to identify organic, polymeric, and in some cases inorganic materials. The FTIR analysis method uses infrared light to scan test samples and observe chemical properties. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Teresa Gen | |
Bruker Avance II Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Instruments | Analytical Testing | Used to study the rheology and diffusion of soft materials or the flow dynamics of liquids in porous media. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
Custom-built Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (FSRS) System | Analytical Testing | Can resolve the vibrational dynamics of materials in both the ground and excited states. As an addition to the TA data acquisition system, a third laser pulse, the Raman pump, is introduced to stimulate emission of photons that reveal the vibrational modes of materials. This gives insight into the structure of materials as well as their energy dissipation mechanisms upon the excitation of light. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Franklin | |
Custom-built Femtosecond Transient Absorption (TA) Spectroscopy System | Analytical Testing | Excitation pulses are typically provided by the output of an OPA. The effect of excitation is probed by weak broadband visible-near infrared continuum pulses overlapping with the excited region of the sample. The probe pulses are collected via fibre optics, spectrally resolved in a spectrograph, and recorded on photodiode arrays or CMOS cameras.We have used TA spectroscopy to resolve processes including photocurrent generation in photovoltaic cells, photoswitching behaviour, and light harvesting dynamics. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Petrik Galvosas | |
Dektak Profilometer | Analytical Testing | Used to inspect metal layer thicknesses, resist and etch profiles and sample surfaces. It is quick and simple to use and allows immediate verification of a process. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Ellipsometer | Analytical Testing | Used to determine film thickness and optical constants. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Eric Le Ru | |
Fluorescence Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | For bioresearch applications involving analysis of minute quantities of material. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Williams | |
Fluorimeters (Edinburgh and Fluorlog) | Analytical Testing | Capable of measuring emission, excitiation, synchronsys scans, photolumineces lifetime scans and quantum yeild measurements. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nathaniel Davis | |
Hinotek 722N Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Williams | |
Infra-red (IR) and Time-resolved (TR) Fluorimeter | Analytical Testing | The Fluorimeter tests all reflective optics, combined with a multitude of light source and detector options, and sample handling accessories, provides the highest sensitivity and greatest versatility of any spectrofluorometer. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
Innova Tech Coherent Laser | Analytical Testing | Source of in-phase laser light for various applications | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nate Davis | |
Jobin-Yvon T64000 Triple Additive/subtractive Raman Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the vibrational modes of molecules; provides structural fingerprint by which molecules can be identified. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
LabRam Raman System | Analytical Testing | Used to determine the vibrational modes of molecules; provides structural fingerprint by which molecules can be identified. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) Measurement Instrumentation | Analytical Testing | World-leading instrument capable of photoluminescence quantum efficiency (PLQE) measurement at any wavelenght excitation. 300 -1100 nm. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Robin Fulton and Martyn Coles | |
Magritek Phosphorus Spinsolve Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Used for 31P spectra. The high NMR sensitivity, simple spectra, and large chemical shift range of 31P and the lack of common background signals (such as solvent signals) make 31P NMR suitable for routine purity assessment and reaction monitoring. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Malvern MasterSizer APA2000 Particle Sizer | Analytical Testing | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | | |
Malvern ZEN3600 Zetasizer | Analytical Testing | Measures characteristics of particles or molecules in a liquid medium | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
MD4 Stainless Steel Helium Cryostat with Magnet Tail | Analytical Testing | Maintains cryogenic temperature of materials mounted inside. This system has been invaluable for measuring the current-voltage characteristics of superconducting thin films in magnetic fields, both parallel and perpendicular to the film plane. A selection of current sources, voltage meters, and electrometers are available for measurements. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Eric Le Ru | |
Micrometrics FlowSorb II Surface Area Analyser | Analytical Testing | Measures surface area using the flowing gas method, which involves the continuous flow of an adsorptive and inert gas mixture over the sample at atmospheric pressure. | Powders Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Jan Vorster | |
Nano Drop ND1000 Nano Drop Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | Full spectrum (220-750nm) spectrophotometer used for quantification and evaluation of purity of samples, such as proteins and nucleic acids. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility | Analytical Testing | Facility containing multiple NMR instruments for all kinds of analytical chemical studies. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Ocean Optics QEPRo Ultraviolet-Visible-Near Infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | High sensitivity spectrometer with low stray light performance. It is ideal for a wide range of low light level applications such as fluorescence, DNA sequencing and Raman analysis. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Eric Le Ru | |
Rudolph Research Analytical a21100Autopol II Polarimeter | Analytical Testing | Measures the angle of rotation caused by optically active chemical compounds. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Shimadzu GCNS QP2010 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) | Analytical Testing | For separation and mass identification of volatile chemical compounds in a sample. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Rachel Wallace | |
Shimadzu RF-5301PC Fluorometer | Analytical Testing | Measures visible spectrum fluoresence of samples, used in variety of fields. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Justin Hodgkiss | |
Shimadzu UV 2600 Ultraviolet-Visilbe (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Shimadzu UV-2100 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
SuperNova ES2 (Dual) Diffractometer System | Analytical Testing | A dual wavelength single crystal diffractometer for studying macromolecular structures, ideally suited for very small crystals under temperature control within the range of 80-500 K. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-1100 Ion Chromatograph (IC) | Analytical Testing | Performs ion analyses using suppressed or non-suppressed conductivity detection. By comparing the data obtained from a sample to that obtained from the known standard, sample ions can be identified and quantitated. The chromatography software converts each peak in the chromatogram to a sample concentration and produces a printout of the results. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Thermo Scientific iCE 3500 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) | Analytical Testing | For quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of optical radiation by free atoms in the gaseous state. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Justin Hodgkiss | |
Ultrafast Broad Spectrum Photoluminescence Spectoscopy System | Analytical Testing | We have developed a new method to measure broadband PL spectra from the UV to near IR with ultrafast time resolution. Ultrafast PL spectra are gated via deflection from a transient grating formed via the interaction of a pair of gate pulses. The method enables us to resolve ultrafast light harvesting processes, exciton dynamics, and the onset of lasing. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Alex Puglisi | |
Varian Cary 100 Scan EL03040761L Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrum (UV-Vis) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Quantitative technique used to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light. This is done by measuring the intensity of light that passes through a sample with respect to the intensity of light through a reference sample or blank. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Teresa Gen | |
Varian Pro Star 335 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) | Analytical Testing | Analytical technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture. Used to analyse non-volatile polar compounds at ppm, ppb levels. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Rob Kyzers | |
Xpert-Pro X-Ray Diffractometer | Analytical Testing | Used for the analysis of morphology, mechanical properties, content, and structure of materials. Services include high resolution powder diffraction, phase identification and quantitative phase analysis, analysis of thin films and coatings, crystallite size and strain determination, kinetic and non-ambient experiments. | Biological Powders Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
Agilent 7900 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) | Analytical Testing | Quadrupole mass spectrometer for trace element analysis by solution or coupled to the Resonetics Laser Ablation system | Liquid Polymer Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Beckman Coulter LS13320 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyser | Analytical Testing | Grain size analyser using diffraction of laser beam around suspended particles. Modules: Aqueous Liquid, and Micro. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Beckman Coulter MultiSizer 3 Coulter Counter (MS3) | Analytical Testing | Grain size analyser using electrical impedence through a suspended sample, i.e. Coulter Priniple: Electrical Sensing Zone (ESZ) | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Broad Energy Canberra HPGe-Gamma Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | For measuring the distribution (or spectrum) of the intensity of gamma radiation versus the energy of each photon. It is a quick and non-destructive analytical technique that can be used to identify various radioactive isotopes in a sample. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Bruce Charlier | |
Daybreak E801 Beta-Irradiator with Automated 30-position Sample Changer | Analytical Testing | Beta dose source used for the luminescence dating of samples and materials. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Dr Ian Schipper | |
ELSEC Alpha-irradiator With 6 Irradiation Positions | Analytical Testing | Alpha dose source used for the luminescence dating of samples and materials. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Ningsheng Wang | |
JEOL JXA-8230 SuperProbe Electron Probe Microanalyser | Analytical Testing | Used to determine to chemical composition of a small volume of a solid sample. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Bruce Charlier | |
Resonetics RESOlution Laser Ablation Instrument & Accessories | Analytical Testing | For in-situ trace element analysis of a range of solid materials | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Bruce Charlier | |
RISO TL-DA-20 Reader Luminescence Dating Instruments | Analytical Testing | Determines how long ago mineral grains were last exposed to sunlight or sufficient heating; used to determine when geologic events occured. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Frans Gerber | |
Thermo-Fisher Element 2 High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) | Analytical Testing | Single collector, double focusing magnetic-sector field mass spectrometer for trace element and isotopic analysis. This instrument can be linked to the Resonetics laser ablataion system for the analysis of solid materials. This instrument can also be used in solution mode where samples are digested and diluted appropriately in solution. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Thermo-Fisher Triton Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) | Analytical Testing | For high precision isotope ratio measurement in geological samples | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Wilfley Gravity Separation Table | Analytical Testing | This heavy/dense mineral separator is typically used for assessment of gravity processes, geochronology studies, characterisation of heavy minerals, recovery of precious metals (eg gold rooms), separation in synthetic diamond manufacture, and quality contro for silica sand processing / glass making industry. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Ningsheng Wang | |
Cell cloning, DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Facilities | Biological Testing | A wide variety of instruments and techniques are available across the School of Sciences for the creation and replication of cells, DNA, RNA, and proteins. |
Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
DNA Gel Analyzer | Biological Testing | Used to assess the size, quantity, integrity and purity of DNA, RNA, and proteins. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
DNA Sequencing Services | Biological Testing | Services include targeted sequencing (Sanger), genetic fingerprinting (genotyping) and massively parallel sequencing technologies (otherwise called Next Generation Sequencing or NGS). |
Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Protein Purification System | Biological Testing | Series of processes used to isolate one or a number of proteins from complex mixtures such as cells, tissues, or whole organisms. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
QiAcube Connect Spin Column Nucleic Acid Purification System | Biological Testing | Hands-free DNA extraction from biological mixtures using spin columns; many different methods can be used on t.his instrument | Biological | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Julia Allwood | |
QiAcube HT Nucleic Acid Purification System | Biological Testing | For automated high-throughput isolation of total DNA from blood, cells, and tissues. | Biological | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Julia Allwood | |
Taxonomic Identification Service | Biological Testing | Species determination service available for biota ranging from macrofauna/flora to fungi and microorganisms. | Biological | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Geoff Ridley | |
Thermo Fisher Scientific 3500xL Genetic Analyzer for Human Identification | Biological Testing | Automated system capable of sequencing DNA or analyzing fragments for a variety of applications. Examples include DNA barcoding and genotyping. | Biological | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research | Upper North Island | Julia Allwood | |
Histology facility | Biological Testing | Research facility for studying the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
PCR Equipment | Biological Testing | Various PCR capabilities available | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Bronwyn Kivell | |
Tissue Culture facility | Biological Testing | Tissue culture facility for growing tissues or cells for research programs. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Coastal Ecology Wet Lab | Biological Testing | Wet lab facility with sea water supply for ecology experiments | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington University Coastal Ecology Laboratory | Lower North Island | Phil Jarrett | |
PC-2 Dry Laboratory Facilities | Biological Testing | A fully functional research laboratory constructed to PC-2 standards. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington University Coastal Ecology Laboratory | Lower North Island | John van der Sman | |
Multiple Keithley Source Measurement Units | Electrical Testing | For electrical testing of solid state devices | Solid | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Simon Brown | |
National Instruments PXIe-8821 Fast Data Acquisition System | Electrical Testing | For electrical testing of solid state devices | Solid | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Simon Brown | |
Techtronix 4200A Parameter Analyser | Electrical Testing | For electrical testing of solid state devices | Solid | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Simon Brown | |
Advanced Magnetic Devices Quikbond Al Wedge Wire Bonder | Electrical Testing | Manual mode operation wire bonder for attaching wires to make electrical measurements. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | |
Critical Current Characterisation System for HTS Wires | Electrical Testing | Accurately determines the critical surface of highly anisotropic superconductors. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Olly Pantoja | |
Gamry Interface 5000 Potentiostat | Electrical Testing | For electrochemical testing of batteries and supercapacitors. | Liquid Metal Solid |
University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Aaron Marshall | |
Gamry Reference 600 Potentiostat | Electrical Testing | For all types of electrochemical testing, including cyclic voltammery and impedance spectroscopy. | Liquid Metal Solid |
University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Aaron Marshall | |
RF Anechoic Chamber | Electrical Testing | Measuring the directional properties of radiation and reception of RF signals | Other Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Chatu Lokuge | 027-5528481 |
Verasonics Vantage Ultrasound Research System | Electrical Testing | Ability to test arrays up to 256 elements incl. HIFU mode | Other Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Ihab Sinno | 027-2235760 |
Agilent 4156C Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyser | Electrical Testing | For conducting current, voltage, and capacitance measurements, in conjunction with a probe station. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Photoconductivity Measurement Apparatus | Electrical Testing | The interface between the optical and electronic properties of semiconductors can be probed through measurement of their photoconductive response. We have developed equipment suitable for performing such measurements, particularly on samples of very high resistance. Mercury or xenon arc lamps, passed through a monochromator are typically used as the light source, particularly for measurements on wide band gap semiconductors that require UV excitation. Both DC and chopped light experiments are possible. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Quantum Design Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) with Evercool Dewar | Electrical Testing | Capable of measuring a broad range of magnetic, thermodynamic, and electrical transport properties at temperatures from 2 – 400 K and in magnetic fields up to 7 T. Properties that can be measured include electrical resistivity, Hall effect, thermal conductivity, and magnetisation. It can also be configured for custom user experiments. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
Rucker and Kolls 666 Probe Station | Electrical Testing | For testing the response of a device to external electrical, optical, or RF external stimulus. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Tekronix Digital Oscilloscope | Electrical Testing | This Oscilloscope can be used to view oscillations by a display on the screen of a cathode ray tube. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nate Davis | |
Impedance Analyser | Electrical Testing | 40 Hz to 10 MHz impedance analyser for measurement of componenets and materials. Has a number of fittings and a probe station for specific sample types | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Engineering and Computer Science | Lower North Island | Gideon Gouws | |
QUV Weathering Station | Environmental Testing | Used to test weather resistance of a material via reproduction of damage caused by sunlight, rain, and dew. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Anemometer | Environmental Testing | Measures temperature and velocity of the air. Includes sonic and hot wire anemometers. | Gas | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Dewpoint, Humidity, and Temperature Meters | Environmental Testing | Measures water vapour, dewpoint and temperature in the air. | Gas | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Drip Logger | Environmental Testing | Records the amount of drip water from an object like a stalactite over a set time period. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Electrofishing Equipment | Environmental Testing | Low impact method for sampling fish in freshwater. Backpack system for smaller areas, or electrofishing boat available for larger areas. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Hypsometer | Environmental Testing | Measures height, distance and angle to an object using sound. Requires line of sight to work. Often used to measure the height of trees. |
Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Sunshine Sensor | Environmental Testing | Measures intensity and wavelength of photosynthetically active electromagnetic radiation. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Flume | Environmental Testing | Circulating water channel ideal for drag testing of water equipment or testing of hull coatings. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Otago, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences (SPESES) | Lower South Island | Nigel Barrett | |
Environmental Chamber | Environmental Testing | Used to test the effects of specific environmental conditions on samples. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Otago, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences (SPESES) | Lower South Island | Nigel Barrett | |
Wave Length, Current, and Velocity Water meters | Environmental Testing | Measures the velocity of water either in one spot or acoustically across a range of depths. Available at both Hamilton and Tauranga campuses. |
Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Contherm Global 5000 Environmental Chamber | Environmental Testing | Tests the effects of specified environmental conditions on materials | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Vacuum chamber and Pycnometer Bottles | Environmental Testing | For measuring density/volume of solids | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Various Flumes | Environmental Testing | Circulating water channel ideal for drag testing of water equipment or testing of hull coatings. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Ground Penetrating Radar | Environmental Testing | For mapping underground structures and features | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Antarctic Research Centre | Lower North Island | Huw Horgan | |
Climate Control Cabinets | Environmental Testing | Climate control cabinets for environmental experiments | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Climate Controlled Experimental Rooms | Environmental Testing | Climate-controlled rooms for conducting research under controlled environmental conditions. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Stacey Parbhu | |
Glasshouses | Environmental Testing | Environmentally controlled glasshouses x 4 for research experiments | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Danyl McLauchlan | |
`The Flume` Mechanical Stream Flow Simulator | Environmental Testing | Built in 1978, used to simulate and observe particle motion, bedforms and flow characteristics. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Jane Chewings | |
Boxfish Mini ROV Submarine | Environmental Testing | Lightweight Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) which can be easily deployed and operated with a small crew of two form virtually any small boat. At 23kgs, it is easy to launch and recover by hand and can safely operate to depths of up to 500 metres. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Bruce Charlier | |
DJI Inspire 2 Quadcopter + Zenmuse X5S Camera Sensor | Environmental Testing | Advanced feature drone that includes multiple proximity sensors to prevent collisions, large camera sensor with high quality lens (Zenmuse X5S), weight and lift that allows for heavy payloads and flight during windy conditions, dual battery system to prevent complete failure during flight, and flight path programming with advanced automatic home function. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Dez Tessler | |
Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) Undersea Sensors | Environmental Testing | Tool for determining essential physical properties of sea water. It gives scientists a precise and comprehensive charting of the distribution and variation of water temperature, salinity, and density that helps to understand how the oceans affect life. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington University Coastal Ecology Laboratory | Lower North Island | Daniel McNaughtan | |
Cypher ES and MFP-3D Origin Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM) | Imaging | Used to determine topography of a sample down to the atomic scale. Can also be used for a range of advanced imaging and mechanical tests. | Biological Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | ||
Philips XL30 Field Emission Gun Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG ESEM) | Imaging | Used to collect electron micrographs of wet/uncoated samples via allowing a gaseuous environment in the sample chamber. Applications include failure analysis, materials identification, and high-resolution imaging. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Research Centre for Surface and Materials Science | Upper North Island | Catherine Hobbis | |
Quanta 200 Field Emission Gun Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG ESEM) | Imaging | Used to collect electron micrographs of wet/uncoated samples via allowing a gaseuous environment in the sample chamber. Applications include failure analysis, materials identification, and high-resolution imaging. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Research Centre for Surface and Materials Science | Upper North Island | Catherine Hobbis | |
Heerbug Stereo Microscope | Imaging | For low resolution imaging of samples. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Hitachi Regulus SU8230 Ultra High-Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of a sample. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Hitachi TM4000 Plus Tabletop Scanning Electro Microscope (SEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of the material | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Olympus BX53 & BX60 Optical Microscopes | Imaging | For high resolution imaging of samples. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Vertisis Technology MagVision Kerr System (MOKE) | Imaging | Polarising light microscope equipped with an electromagnet, used to measuring magento-optical effects. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | |
FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG SEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of a sample, also capable of elemental anlaysis and crystal orientation mapping. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Sarah Spencer | |
FEI Quanta 450 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of the material, also capable of elemental anlaysis and crystal orientation mapping. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Sarah Spencer | |
Hitachi TM3030Plus Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of a sample. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
Massey University | Upper North Island | Khalid Arif | |
Nikon LV150ND Industrial Microscope | Imaging | Optical/fluorescence microscope for low resolution imaging of samples. | Biological Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
Massey University | Upper North Island | Khalid Arif | |
Confocal Microscope | Imaging | Used to determine the detailed structure of specific components within cells. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
DNA and RNA Gel Imaging Instruments | Imaging | Used to record and measure labeled nucleic acids and proteins in various types of media. | Biological | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Image Analysis System for Plant Roots | Imaging | Used to image and quantify the root length, area, volume or number of tips of plant roots | Biological Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Leica Fluorescence Microscope | Imaging | For imaging of samples in both fluorescent or visible light. Fluorescence can help with the visibility of some organic and inorganic compounds. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Nikon SMZ25 Z-scale Stereomicroscope | Imaging | Utilizes a camera and software to image whole organisms and other objects between 4mm and 7cm in length. The software and motorisation means taking quality images along a stacked Z-axis, making sure from the top to the bottom of a specimen is in focus throughout the image. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Olympus Inverted IX79 Microscope | Imaging | Used for imaging of liquid samples. Typically used for counting algae and microscopic organisms in water samples. | Biological Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Seafloor Mapping Equipment | Imaging | For mapping small areas of seabed using a Vibrocrawl system. | Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Bobcat 640 Hyperspectral Imaging Camera | Imaging | Spectroscopic technique which collects hundreds of images of a sample at different wavelengths over a linear spatial area. Capable of snapshot scanning. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Ihab Sinno | 027-2235760 |
Resonon Pika NIR-320 Hyperspectral Imaging Camera | Imaging | Spectroscopic technique which collects hundreds of images of a sample at different wavelengths over a linear spatial area. Capable of line scanning. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Ihab Sinno | 027-2235760 |
Resonon Pika XC2 Hyperspectral Imaging Camera | Imaging | Spectroscopic technique which collects hundreds of images of a sample at different wavelengths over a linear spatial area. Capable of line scanning. | Biological Ceramic Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Ihab Sinno | 027-2235760 |
Optitrack Motion Capture System | Imaging | Captures the motion of objects | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Gel Doc UV Imaging System | Imaging | For imaging biopolymer gels. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Electronic Microscope | Imaging | Computer controlled electronic microscope for analysis of sample composition and structure. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
IN Cell Analyzer 6500HS | Imaging | Laser-based high-content imaging system featuring IRIS confocal technology to optimize cellular imaging for all sample types and experimental goals. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Lifeng Peng | |
MMI Cellcut Plus Laser Microdisection Microscope | Imaging | For precise and contamination-free dissection of cell clusters, single cells or subcellular compartments from various types of tissues including fresh frozen, paraffin embedded and archived slides, cytospins, smears and even living cells. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Danyl McLauchlan | |
Olympus FV3000RS Resonance Confocal Microscope | Imaging | For observation of a sample, multi-line and capable of live cell imaging | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Stacey Parbhu | |
Photo Microscope and Accessories | Imaging | For observation and imaging of samples. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Stacey Parbhu | |
JEOL 2010 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) | Imaging | High-resolution analytical microscope that is mainly used for materials research and the study of nanoparticulate samples. Its superior point-to-point resolution of 0.15 nm makes this instrument ideal for imaging samples on the atomic scale. The instrument is capable of conventional, dark field and high resolution TEM as well as energy dispersive spectroscopy, selected area electron diffraction, nanobeam diffraction and convergent beam diffraction. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Alex Puglisi | |
JEOL 6500F Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of a sample. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Alex Puglisi | |
JEOL 6610LA Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | Imaging | For the visual identification of very small topographical details on the surface of a sample. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
JEOL JEM-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) | Imaging | High-resolution analytical microscope that is mainly used for materials research and the study of nanoparticulate samples. Its superior point-to-point resolution of 0.15 nm makes this instrument ideal for imaging samples on the atomic scale. The instrument is capable of conventional, dark field and high resolution TEM as well as energy dispersive spectroscopy, selected area electron diffraction, nanobeam diffraction and convergent beam diffraction. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Alex Puglisi | |
Nikon 66 Optical Microscope | Imaging | For low magnification visualization of samples. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Beam Line | Imaging | Technique by which nanoscale density differences in a sample can be quantified. In the case of biological macromolecules such as proteins, the advantage of SAXS over crystallography is that a crystalline sample is not needed. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
Leica DM6 B Research Microscopes | Imaging | Leica DM6 B Upright Microscopes specifically for use in clinical and life science research applications. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Rachel Wallace | |
Artec 3D Scanners (Spider and Evo) | Imaging | Point cloud digital scanners, used to digitise objects for later 3D manipulation, modification, and 3D printing. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Ken Howe | |
Lakeshore Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) | Magnetic Testing | For measures magnetic properties of materials in up to Tesla magnetic field | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Shen Chong | |
Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS) SQUID Magnetometer | Magnetic Testing | The SQUID allows for measuring the magnetic properties of small quantities (grams of powder, up to 0.5 cm^2 crystals or thin films) of materials over a range of temperatures and in magnetic fields of up to 70000 Oe (7 T). | Liquid Other Powders Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | |
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) | Magnetic Testing | The PPMS allows for testing the magnetic, electrical or thermal characteristics of small quantities (grams of powder, up to 1 cm^2 crystals or thin films) of materials over a range of temperatures (1.9-1000 K depending on the measurement type) and in magnetic fields of up to 90000 Oe (9 T). | Other Powders Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | |
Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS) | Magnetic Testing | Provides data acquisition, temperature control and magnetic field control for advanced SQUID magnetometry studies. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Grant Willliams | |
Sherwood Scientific MK1 Magnetic Susceptibility Balance | Magnetic Testing | Used to deterime the magnetic properties of materials | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Rob K | |
Triaxe Magnetometer | Magnetic Testing | The Triaxe Magnetometer allows for the rapid estimation of palaeointensities from volcanic and fired archaeomagnetic samples. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | chris Lepper | |
Hysitron TI950 Triboindenter | Mechanical Testing | Nano-scale mechanical analysis technique that can analyse thin films and nano-scale surface properties. Capable of performing nanoindentation, nanoscratch, and nanoDMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) tests. | Biological Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Thomas Loho | |
Charpy Impact Testing Machine | Mechanical Testing | Measures the energy absorbed by a sample during fracture. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Gottfert RG50 Rheometer | Mechanical Testing | Measures how a fluid responds to applied forces. | Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Hardness Testers | Mechanical Testing | Used to determine the stiffness or strength of a sample. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Instron 100kN Tensile Tester 5982 | Mechanical Testing | Material subjected to a controlled tension force until failure. Used to determine a range of tensile properties of the material. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Instron Dynamic Tester 8801 | Mechanical Testing | Used to determine the behaviour of a material under flucuating loads. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Instron Tensile Tester 4240 | Mechanical Testing | Material subjected to a controlled tension force until failure. Used to determine a range of tensile properties of the material. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
PerkinElmer DMA8000 Dynamic Mechanical Analyser | Mechanical Testing | Used to characterize bulk material properties (modulus, compliance, damping). | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Centre of Mass Measurement Equipment | Mechanical Testing | Used to identify the centre of mass of a device e.g. for spacecraft components | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Moment of Inertia Measurement Equipment | Mechanical Testing | Used to identify the moments of inertia of a device e.g. for spacecraft components | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Noise and Vibration Troubleshooting Equipment | Mechanical Testing | Noise and vibration analyses to solve dynamical and acoustical problems e.g. for spacecraft components | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Shock Test Bed | Mechanical Testing | Qualification testing for mechanical shock e. g. to simulate the pyroshock spacecrafts have to endure during launch phase. | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Triaxial shaker system | Mechanical Testing | Vibration testing for qualification testing of spacecrafts, electronic hardware or similar. | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Uniaxial shaker system | Mechanical Testing | Vibration testing for qualification testing of spacecrafts, electronic hardware or similar. | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Tensile Tester | Mechanical Testing | Material subjected to a controlled tension force until failure. Esed to determine a range of tensile properties of the material. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Mike Davies | |
Instron 5967 Universal Testing System | Mechanical Testing | Capable of static tensile, compression and flexure testing samples. | Solid | Massey University | Upper North Island | Khalid Arif | |
Multi Axis Force Plates | Mechanical Testing | Measures ground reaction forces, for analysis of wearable products etc. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Otago, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences (SPESES) | Lower South Island | Nigel Barrett | |
Closed Circuit Hydrodynamics Rig | Mechanical Testing | For propeller testing, pump characterisation, cavitation, bluff body and free surface measurement. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Paul Benjes | |
Lloyd LD10 Mechanical Tester | Mechanical Testing | Used to test the tensile or compressive properties of a sample. Not calibrated but good for R&D purposes. | Biological Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Paul Benjes | |
Asphalt Standards Tester | Mechanical Testing | For standards testing of asphalt blocks | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
AVERY 1000kN 7104 DCJ Compression Test Universal Test Machine | Mechanical Testing | For compression testing of samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
AVERY 500kN 7110 DCJ Compression Test Universal Test Machine | Mechanical Testing | For compression testing of samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
British Pendulum Tester | Mechanical Testing | For friction testing on small surfaces | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Circular Track Meter (CTM) | Mechanical Testing | Laser Surface friction testing machine | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
CKC Electro-pneumatic Cyclic & Monotonic Triaxial Tester | Mechanical Testing | For vibrational testing of structures/samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Cyclic & Monotonic Triaxial Tester with Bender Element | Mechanical Testing | For vibrational testing of structures/samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Dynamic Friction Tester (DFT) | Mechanical Testing | Falling rubber friction tester | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Instron TT-D 100kN Compression Test Universal Test Machine | Mechanical Testing | For compression testing of samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
K0 Stainless steel Triaxial Cells | Mechanical Testing | For use in vibrational testing, for K0-consolidation testing | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
LA Abrasion Machine | Mechanical Testing | Accelerated friction testing apparatus | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
LoadTrac Cyclic Triaxial tester | Mechanical Testing | For vibrational testing of structures/samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Micro Deval Apparatus | Mechanical Testing | Used to determine abrasion loss in the presence of water and an abrasive charge | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Micro GT Grip Tester | Mechanical Testing | Commercial grip tester for smal pavements | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
MTS 244.51 Hydraulic Actuators | Mechanical Testing | Applies vertical or horizontal forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
MTS FlexTest 100 Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
MTS FlexTest 40 – 1000kN Machine (A-Frame) Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
MTS FlexTest 40 – 300kN Machine (H-Frame) Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
MTS FlexTest 40 – 500kN Machine (H-Frame) Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
MTS FlexTest 40 – NEW 2021 Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
MTS Hydraulic Loading Machine | Mechanical Testing | For vibrational testing of structures/samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
MTS Triaxial Testing Systems | Mechanical Testing | For vibrational testing of structures/samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Odeometers | Mechanical Testing | For measuring consolidation and swelling properties of soil | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Parker Hydraulic Actuators | Mechanical Testing | Applies vertical or horizontal forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Servo hydraulic Test System 1000kN MTS A-Frame, 244.51 Actuator | Mechanical Testing | Fatigue testing, used to determine the behaviour of materials under axial flucuation | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Servo hydraulic Test System 300kN MTS H-Frame, 244.51 Actuator | Mechanical Testing | Fatigue testing, used to determine the behaviour of materials under axial flucuation | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Servo hydraulic Test System 500kN MTS H-Frame, 244.51 Actuator | Mechanical Testing | Fatigue testing, used to determine the behaviour of materials under axial flucuation | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Shore Western 1110 Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Shore Western 1219 Hydraulic Controller | Mechanical Testing | For controlling hydraulic actuators, which apply specific forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Shore Western 913D. Hydraulic Actuator | Mechanical Testing | Applies vertical or horizontal forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Shore Western 923.5.22.58/ Hydraulic Actuator | Mechanical Testing | Applies vertical or horizontal forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Shore Western 926E.50.3/78.5.30 Hydraulic Actuator | Mechanical Testing | Applies vertical or horizontal forces to structures | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Shore Western Shaker Table | Mechanical Testing | Simulates the ground motion that takes place during an earthquake | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Six Geared Loading Frames | Mechanical Testing | For vibrational testing of structures/samples. Used for monotonic Triaxial testing. | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Instron 33R4469 50kN Universal Testing System | Mechanical Testing | Fatigue testing, used to determine the behaviour of materials under axial flucuation | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Peng Zhang | |
Wheel Tracker | Mechanical Testing | Accelerated surface testing equipment for for friction testing of asphalt | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
HYPROP Tensiometer | Mechanical Testing | Fully automated measuring and evaluation system to determine the hydraulic properties of soil samples. Unit is bench top portable. | Biological Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Gavin Dunbar or Jane Chewings | |
Beam Testing Rig | Mechanical Testing | Test rig for demonstrating testing of breaking strain of building wooden trusses and concrete beams | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Ken Howe | |
Full Scale Tilted and Pilot Scale Furnaces | Other | To determine if fire protecting products meet minimum performance criteria. Fire TS Lab has capabilities to test in compliance with all sections of AS1530.4/EN/BS standards; refer to the website for details. |
Solid | Fire TS Laboratory | Upper North Island | Anastasia Kokorina | |
Vacuum Chamber | Other | Simulation of pressure cycles e.g. for spacecrafts | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
Cryogenic Vacuum Test Chamber | Other | For testing of coils, magnets or other assemblies. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Konstantinos Bouloukakis | |
Acoustic Anechoic Chamber | Other | Measuring the directional properties of radiation and reception of sound | Other Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Chatu Lokuge | 027-5528481 |
Artec Leo 3D Scanner | Processing equipment | Used to create high-precision 3D models of objects. | Solid | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Epilog Mini Laser Cutter | Processing equipment | Used to precisely cut a variety of materials. | Solid | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
MFI High-speed Centrifugal Iso-finishing System | Processing equipment | Used to polish 3D printed metal and polymer parts. | Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
ProtoMAX Waterjet Cutter | Processing equipment | Uses high pressure water to cut a variety of materials. | Solid | University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Roland Modela Pro II MDX 540 3D Milling Machine | Processing equipment | Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine for highly detailed processing of solids. | Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
Thermo Fisher 45L Muffle Furnace | Processing equipment | Furnace for heat-treatment of metal parts. | Metal Solid |
University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab | Upper North Island | Olaf Diegel | , |
ACME Vacuum Sintering Furnace | Processing Equipment | Enables compression of powder material into dense material under vacuum. | Powders Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
BOY 35A Injection Moulding Machine | Processing Equipment | For manufacturing items from polymers and composites using injection moulding technique. | Polymer | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Carbolie HT Furnace | Processing Equipment | High Temperature Furnace | Ceramic Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Cold Isostatic Press | Processing Equipment | For molding powders via uniform compression. | Powders Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
EDM EW-32VC CNC Machine | Processing Equipment | For machining hard metals which would be difficult to machine with traditional techniques. Can cut most conductive materials. |
Metal | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Fritsch/Retsch Planetary Mills | Processing Equipment | Fast and reliable grinding of materials to colloidal fineness Can be used for mixing and homogenizing emulsions and pastes. |
Liquid Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Gunt CE 130 Convection Drier | Processing Equipment | Ideal for drying solids where mass, humidity, and temperature need to be measured. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Hitachi IM4000 Plus Ion Milling System | Processing Equipment | Removes top amorphous layer of a material to reveal the pristine sample surface for electron microscope (EM) imaging. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Hydraulic Presses | Processing Equipment | Range of hydraulic presses for metal forming operations. | Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Labtech LTE-20-44 Twin-screw Extruder | Processing Equipment | Capable of extruding filaments, sheets, and other shapes dependent on die. | Polymer | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Maag SGS 25 Pelletizer | Processing Equipment | Plastic pelletizer for filament cutting. | Polymer | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Moretto GR Granulator | Processing Equipment | For processing materials into smaller granules for extrusion or injection moulding. | Polymer | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Muffle/Tube Furnaces | Processing Equipment | Selection of furnaces available. | Ceramic Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Struers LaboPol-60 and Rotopol-21 Grinding/Polishing Machines | Processing Equipment | For manually grinding/polishing samples. | Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Struers Metason 200HT Ultrasonic Cleaning Bath | Processing Equipment | Ultrasonic bath for cleaning and preparation of metallographic, ceramic, and mineralogical samples. | Ceramic Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Struers Minitom Precision Cut-off Machine | Processing Equipment | Precision cut-off machine which operates at low speed. | Ceramic Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Struers Tegramin-25 Automatic Polishing Machine | Processing Equipment | For automatically polishing samples. | Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Struers Tenupol-3 Electrolytic Preparation Equipment | Processing Equipment | For automatic electrolytic thinning of specimens for examination via Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). | Metal Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Thermo Scientific VT 6060M Vacuum Oven | Processing Equipment | Allows heating of samples at reduced pressure i.e. for delicate drying processes. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Thermoprism TSE-16-TC Twin-screw Extruder | Processing Equipment | Capable of extruding filaments, sheets, and other shapes dependent on die. | Polymer | University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Custom-made Nanoparticle Deposition System | Processing Equipment | For fabication of thin nanoparticle films. | Solid | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Simon Brown | |
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Sample Preparation Equipment | Processing Equipment | Equipment for processing materials for analysis via SEM/TEM analysis. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Sarah Spencer | |
Mechanical Workshop | Processing Equipment | Fully operational mechanical workshop with various processing equipment. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
Massey University | Upper North Island | Gabriel Phang | |
Bioinicia Spinbox Electrospinning System | Processing Equipment | Used to fabricate continuous nanoscale fibres with diameters in the sub-micrometer to nanometer range via a high-voltage power supply. | Polymer | Massey University, MAF Digital Lab (MAFDL) | Mid North Island | Johan Potgieter | |
DST-1000 Acid Purification System | Processing Equipment | For producing high purity acid solutions for analytical purposes. | Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Freeze Drier | Processing Equipment | For removing water from samples at reduced pressure. | Liquid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Grinding Equipment | Processing Equipment | For abrasive machining of materials. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Microtome | Processing Equipment | Used to produce extremely thin slices of material for further analysis e.g. microscopy. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Rock Crusher | Processing Equipment | For breaking rocks into smaller pieces. | Solid | University of Waikato, School of Science | Upper North Island | Toni Cornes | |
Cleanroom for Semiconductor/Miniaturized Device Fabrication | Processing Equipment | Cleanroom Facility for micro- and nanofabrication, equipped for thin-film deposition, thermal processing, photolithography (yellow room) including mask fabrication, nanoimprint lithography, electron beam lithography, wet etching, dry etching (reactive ion etching) and materials characterization. | Metal Other Polymer Solid |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Martin Allen | |
Customised Microfluidic lab on Chip Fabrication Equipment | Processing Equipment | Biological Polymer |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Volker Nock | | |
Minitech CNC Mini-Mill/GX Desktop CNC Machine/Micromill | Processing Equipment | Benchtop CNC machine, for fabrication of intricate parts for use in micro- and nano-fabrication facilities at Nanolab. | Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Volker Nock | |
Oxford PlasmaLab 100 Cobra Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Etcher | Processing Equipment | Etching technique where the gases are introduced above an Inductive coil, placed around a ceramic tube.Advantages include high etch rates, high selectivity and low damage processing. Excellent profile control is also provided as the plasma can be maintained at low pressures. | Metal Solid |
University of Canterbury, Nanofabrication Laboratory | Upper South Island | Gary Turner | |
Fermentation Tank | Processing Equipment | For brewing trials | Biological Liquid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Uhde High Pressure Pasteuriser (HPP) | Processing Equipment | Processing of food products under very high pressure, reducing or eliminating microorganisms and extending shelf life | Biological Liquid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Baking/Roasting Equipment | Processing Equipment | For large scale baking/roasting of food products | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
CAS Vibratory Feeder | Processing Equipment | Uses vibration and gravity to move food components to other processing equipment. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
CAS Vibratory Sieve | Processing Equipment | Used to break down food components into uniform size. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Clextral EV32 Extruder and Rhoen KN400 Co-Extruder | Processing Equipment | For manufacturing of various food products from soft mixtures. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
GEA Decanter | Processing Equipment | For continuous separation of large amounts of solids from liquids. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
GEA Membrane Plant Filtration System | Processing Equipment | Separates food components based on their size and molecular weight, using semi-permeable membranes. | Biological Liquid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Supercritical CO2 Extraction System | Processing Equipment | Separates components of a mixture using supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent, rather than traditional toxic organic solvents. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Tetra Pak Centrifuge | Processing Equipment | To separate suspended solids from liquid or two immiscible liquids of different densities from each other. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Blast Freezers | Processing Equipment | For rapid freezing of food products and components | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Blending and Mixing Equipment | Processing Equipment | Range of blending and mixing equipment for food production | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Cudden LT80 Freeze Dryer | Processing Equipment | For removing water from food products. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Dixie 221HP Can Sealer | Processing Equipment | For sealing of food products in cans | Biological Liquid Metal Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Enpac Powder Packer | Processing Equipment | For packaging powdered food products in bags | Biological Powders Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Hot Fill Kettles | Processing Equipment | For large scale cooking of food products. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Hunter Auto Capper | Processing Equipment | For sealing bottles | Biological Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Multivac R145 Thermoformer | Processing Equipment | For manufacturing of plastic food packaging | Polymer | The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Multivac T250 Sealing Machine | Processing Equipment | For sealing of food products in plastic trays | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Niro Soavi Homogeniser NS3006 Pasteurisation Unit/Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) Plant | Processing Equipment | Rapid sterilization of food at high temperature. | Biological Liquid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
RML Carton Sealer Cartoning Machine | Processing Equipment | For sealing of food products in cartons | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Sairem Industrial Microwave System | Processing Equipment | For large scale cooking of food products. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Steriflow Rotational Retort | Processing Equipment | High temperature sterilization of packaged food. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Unique Flex Flow Wrap Machine | Processing Equipment | Packages food products in flexible bag/film and seals the top and bottom. | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Various Robot Coupes | Processing Equipment | For reducing size of food components. | Biological Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Xenos Aseptic Filling Line | Processing Equipment | Packages thermally sterilized liquids into previously sterilized containers. | Biological Liquid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Xenos Thermoflo Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) Pasteuriser | Processing Equipment | Rapid sterilization of food at high temperature. | Biological Liquid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Spray Drier/ Reconstitution Facility | Processing Equipment | Produces a dry powder from a liquid or slurry by rapidly drying with hot gas. Also capable of powder and oil reconstitution. Primarily used for manufacturing of milk powder. | Biological Liquid Powders Solid |
FoodWaikato | Upper North Island | Craig Hoare | |
2232 Series Single-Head Semi-Automatic Compact Aseptic Filler | Processing Equipment | Packages thermally sterilized liquids into previously sterilized containers. | Biological Liquid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
APV Climbing Film Evaporators | Processing Equipment | Specialized type of evaporator in which a thin film of liquid is passed over a rising and falling plate to allow the evaporation process to occur | Biological Liquid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
B Series Pin Mill (Impact Mill) | Processing Equipment | Grinds food components into smaller particles via repeated impact. | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Bematech CZ-60-PB Colloid Mill | Processing Equipment | Reduces the particle size of a solid in suspension in a liquid, or reduces the droplet size in emulsions | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Blentech Blender | Processing Equipment | High performance blender for various food processing requirements | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Cheese Vat | Processing Equipment | For production of cheese | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Clextral BC21 Twin-Screw Extruder | Processing Equipment | For manufacturing of various food products from soft mixtures. | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Coating Drum | Processing Equipment | For coating foods in various substances | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Cuddon FD18LT Freeze Dryer | Processing Equipment | For removal of water from food products and components at reduced temperature and pressure | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Dixie Can Seamer | Processing Equipment | For sealing of food products in cans | Biological Liquid Metal Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Evaporators | Processing Equipment | For removal of water from food products and components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Falling Film Evaporators | Processing Equipment | Special type of heat exchanger used to concentrate solutions, especially with heat sensitive components | Biological Liquid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Fermentation Equipment (via Massey University Microbrewery) | Processing Equipment | For brewing trials | Biological Liquid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Food Chopping and Mincing Equipment | Processing Equipment | Various equipment for processing of food products and components into smaller particles | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Food Separation/Concentration Equipment | Processing Equipment | Various equipment for concentration/separation of food products and components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Formaco Meat Injector | Processing Equipment | For distributing marinade into meat products | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Formatic Patti Former | Processing Equipment | For production of patties | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Glatt WSG1 Pilot Plant Fluid Bed Dryer | Processing Equipment | For drying of food components such as granules and powders | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Inoxtrend Steam Convection Oven | Processing Equipment | For large scale baking/roasting of food products. | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Jeffco C200 Wet Disintigrator | Processing Equipment | For mixing, emulsifying, and liquidising food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Limitech Mixer | Processing Equipment | For large scale mixing of food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Mercer Corporation ME-6010FD Heat Sealer | Processing Equipment | For sealing food packaging trays | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Mercer Steam Jacketed Pan | Processing Equipment | For cooking of various food products | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Moravek W400 Carbonator | Processing Equipment | Pilot-scale carbonation equipment | Biological Liquid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Multivac C200 Vacuum Packer | Processing Equipment | For vacuuming packaging of food products | Biological Polymer Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Niro 093-199800 Spray Dryer | Processing Equipment | For efficient processing of liquid food products and components into powder. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Niro Soavi Homogeniser NS3006 Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) Pasteuriser | Processing Equipment | Rapid sterilization of food at high temperature, combined with homogenization of particle size. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Niro Spray Dryer | Processing Equipment | For efficient processing of liquid food products and components into powder. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Plate/Immersion Freezer | Processing Equipment | For freezing flat food products | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Rannie Homogeniser | Processing Equipment | Used to homogenise food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Retsch ZM200 Grinding Mill | Processing Equipment | Grinds food components into smaller particles via repeated impact. | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Steriflow Microflow 911R Batch Rotary Retort | Processing Equipment | High temperature sterilization of packaged food. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Tetrapak KF80 Ice Cream Machine | Processing Equipment | For trials involving ice cream | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Thunderbird Arm-02 Bakery Mixer | Processing Equipment | For large scale mixing of food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
TOR/027 Screw Press | Processing Equipment | For processing various fruit into juice | Biological Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
TSM-2005 Capper | Processing Equipment | For sealing bottles | Biological Liquid Metal Polymer Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Uhde/Multivac High Pressure Pasteuriser (HPP) | Processing Equipment | Processing of food products under very high pressure, reducing or eliminating microorganisms and extending shelf life | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Whitlock Demsc-10 Smoker/Cooker | Processing Equipment | For cooking of various food products | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Auger Filling Machine | Processing Equipment | For packaging powdered food products into sealed pouches | Biological Other Powders Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Belt Dryer | Processing Equipment | For continuous drying and cooling of various food products and components | Biological Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Clarifier | Processing Equipment | For continuous removal of solids via sedimentation | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Clextral BC-45 Twin Screw Extruder | Processing Equipment | For manufacturing of various food products from soft mixtures. | Biological Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Colloid Mill | Processing Equipment | Reduces the particle size of a solid in suspension in a liquid, or reduces the droplet size in emulsions | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Convotherm Combi Oven | Processing Equipment | For cooking food products with either dry or moist heat | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Decanter Centrifuge | Processing Equipment | For continuous separation of large amounts of solids from liquids. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Flamingo Drum Mixer | Processing Equipment | For mixing various food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
HS 40 Spiral Mixer | Processing Equipment | For mixing various food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Irinox Blast Chiller Freezer | Processing Equipment | For rapid freezing of food products and components | Biological Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Membrane Filtration System | Processing Equipment | Separates food components based on their size and molecular weight, using semi-permeable membranes. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Mincer | Processing Equipment | For mincing food components | Biological Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Piston Filler Liquid Filling Machine | Processing Equipment | For packaging liquid food products into sealed pouches | Biological Liquid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Piston Filler Viscous Filling Machine | Processing Equipment | For packaging viscious food products into sealed pouches | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Rheon KN400 Co-Extruder | Processing Equipment | For manufacturing of various food products from soft mixtures. | Biological Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Rotopack Tray Sealer | Processing Equipment | For sealing of food products in plastic trays | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Sinmag SM201 Planetary Mixer | Processing Equipment | For mixing various food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
SS Rotary Mixer | Processing Equipment | For mixing various food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
TecnoPack FP015 EVO Horizontal Flow Wrap Machine | Processing Equipment | Packages food products in flexible bag/film and seals the top and bottom. | Biological Polymer Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
UHT/Pasteruization | Processing Equipment | Rapid sterilization of food at high temperature. | Biological Liquid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Universal Machine UM24 Stephan Mixer | Processing Equipment | For mixing various food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Vacuum Sealer | Processing Equipment | For vacuum sealing of food products | Biological Polymer Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Van Rooy Rack Oven | Processing Equipment | For fast and even baking of food products | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Vemag R500 Robot Vacuum Filler | Processing Equipment | For filling food products with other food components | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Vessels/Jacketed Pans | Processing Equipment | For cooking of various food products | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food South | Upper South Island | Tracey Sheehy | |
Bematek CZ-110 Colloid Mill | Processing Equipment | For reducing size of food components. | Biological Liquid Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Linapac 1000 Pouch Sealer | Processing Equipment | For sealing of food products in pouches | Biological Liquid Polymer Solid |
The FOODBOWL Auckland | Upper North Island | Alasdair Baxter | |
Air Care Technology AC 1100 Laminar Flow Cabinet | Processing Equipment | Circulates filtered air to prevent contamination of food products during packaging e.g. after collection from UHT pasteuriser | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Premier Colloid Mill | Processing Equipment | Reduces the particle size of a solid in suspension in a liquid, or reduces the droplet size in emulsions | Biological Liquid Solid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Xenos X250 Aseptic Bottle Filler | Processing Equipment | Packages thermally sterilized liquids into previously sterilized bottles. | Biological Liquid |
Food Pilot Palmerston North | Mid North Island | Nikki Middleditch | |
Argon Ion Mill | Processing Equipment | The Ar ion mill uses a beam of Ar+ ions to physically etch the surface of thin films or coatings on solid substrates up to 4″ or 10 cm in diameter. This can be used for patterning thin films into micro- or nano-sized structures, often for electronic devices. | Other Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Robinson Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | |
ABB IRB360 Flexpicker Robot | Processing Equipment | Industrial robot for high speed automated operations. | Biological Metal Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Patrick Lim | 021-2492705 |
Clearpath Husky Mobile Robot | Processing Equipment | Robot for autonomous navigation of farms, orchards and general outdoor environments. | Biological Metal Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Patrick Lim | 021-2492705 |
Staubli Robot RX160 HE | Processing Equipment | Industrial robot for heavy duty automated production operations. | Biological Metal Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Patrick Lim | 021-2492705 |
UR10e Robot | Processing Equipment | Industrial robot for light automated production operations. | Biological Metal Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Patrick Lim | 021-2492705 |
UR5 Robot | Processing Equipment | Industrial robot for light automated production operations. | Biological Metal Solid |
Callaghan Innovation | Lower North Island | Patrick Lim | 021-2492705 |
Asphalt Corer | Processing Equipment | For coring asphalt samples from the field or blocks | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Asphalt Mixer | Processing Equipment | For mixing hot asphalt | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Asphalt Saw | Processing Equipment | For cutting asphalt for testing purposes | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Ball Mill | Processing Equipment | Rotating tumbler for crushing/softening samples(small) | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Hand Operated Compactor | Processing Equipment | For compacting asphalt/subgrades | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Hydraulic Soil Extruder | Processing Equipment | Used to remove soil samples in the form of tubes | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Portable Asphalt Corer | Processing Equipment | For coring asphalt samples from field/blocks | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
PReSBOX Compactor | Processing Equipment | Compactor for making asphalt blocks | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Reka Spray Gun | Processing Equipment | For spraying bitumen | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Ring Mill | Processing Equipment | For crushing/grinding samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) | Processing Equipment | Oven for testing thin film bitumen samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Rotating Tumbler | Processing Equipment | Rotating Tumbler for crushing/softneing samples(large) | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Sieve Shaker | Processing Equipment | For sieving aggreagtes/subgrades | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Vaccum Degassing Oven | Processing Equipment | For degassing samples | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Vibratory Compactor | Processing Equipment | For compacting Asphalt/subgrade | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Water Purifier and De-aeration Plant | Processing Equipment | For producing ultra-pure water exceeding the purity of distilled water. | Liquid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Wessex Abrasive Polishing Machine | Processing Equipment | Accelerated friction testing apparatus | Solid | University of Auckland, Civil and Environmental Engineering | Upper North Island | Sujith Padiyara | |
Autoclave | Processing Equipment | For oressurized sterilization of instruments, consumables, and liquids. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Centrifuge | Processing Equipment | For sample separation by centrifugal force. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
FastPrep-24 Beadbasher | Processing Equipment | Benchtop bead beating cell lysis system, for breaking down cell membranes. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Fermenter | Processing Equipment | For fermentation of biological cultures. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Freeze Dryer | Processing Equipment | For the concentration of chemical compounds via freeze drying. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Sarah Draper | |
Gene Pulser Electroporation System | Processing Equipment | Used for cell electroporation (increased membrane permiability via electric field) for uptake of DNA. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
IKA Magic Lab | Processing Equipment | For portable prep scale wet milling/emulsification of samples. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Alison Daines | |
Incubator (Crystallisation) | Processing Equipment | Refrigerated Incubator used for crystal growth. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Incubator (Shaking) | Processing Equipment | For growing biological cultures. Six shaking incubators, one dark incubator, and four refrigerating incubators. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Incubator (Static) | Processing Equipment | Two static incubators used to grow biological cultures. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Microwave Reactor | Processing Equipment | For conducting organic synthesis reactions under microwave conditions. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Simon Hinkley | |
Nano DeBee | Processing Equipment | Cell lysis (breaking down cell membranes) through flow through homgenization. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Ultrasonic Homogeniser | Processing Equipment | For cell lysis (breadown of membrane) by sonication. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
Vacuum Concentrator | Processing Equipment | For concentration of biomolecules at reduced pressure. | Biological Liquid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Ferrier Research Institute | Lower North Island | Eleanor Middleton | |
BD FACSMelody 3 Laser 9 Colour (4B-2R-3V) Cell Sorter 661762 | Processing Equipment | For isolation of pure stem cell populations from heterogeneous suspensions fo cells. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | |
Getinge GE91415 Autoclaves | Processing Equipment | For sterilization of various research equipment | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Stacey Parbhu | |
Sigma 3-16 Centrifuge | Processing Equipment | For sample separation by centrifugal force. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Andrew Munkacsi | |
TE1390L Laser Cutter | Processing Equipment | For fabrication of specialist equipment to support research activities | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Thermo Scientific HM 450 Sliding Microtome | Processing Equipment | For preparation of extremely thin sections of samples, typically for electron microscopy. | Biological Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Stacey Parbhu | |
Thermofisher Sorvall Lynx 6000 Centrifuges | Processing Equipment | For sample separation by centrifugal force. | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Tormach PCNC 1100 Milling Machine | Processing Equipment | For fabrication of specialist equipment to support research activities | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Ultra-low Temperature Freezer | Processing Equipment | For ultra-low (-80 degrees) storage of biological samples. | Biological | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Workshop Lathe | Processing Equipment | Small lathe for fabrication of specialist equipment to support research activities | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Biological Sciences | Lower North Island | Juan Larrouyet Sarto | |
Angstrom Engineering Deposition System | Processing Equipment | For layering metals onto other solids. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Ben Ruck | |
Baltec 030 Critical Point Dryer | Processing Equipment | The procedure of critical point drying is an efficient method for drying delicate samples. It preserves the surface structure of a specimen which could otherwise be damaged due to surface tension when changing from the liquid to gaseous state. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
Closed Cycle Cryostat | Processing Equipment | Maintains cryogenic temperature of materials mounted inside. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Eric Le Ru | |
Ezzivision AUTO500 RF Sputtering System | Processing Equipment | The HHV sputter coater by Ezzi Vision has a single source RF magnetron sputter deposition target. The system is capable of depositing both metals and dielectrics, including Ti, Ag, Ni, SiO2 and ZnO at present. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Flexiwave Flexible Microwave Synthesis System | Processing Equipment | For classic glassware and high pressure chemical synthesis, as well as solid-phase reactions. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Rob Keyzers | |
Furnaces | Processing Equipment | Multiple furnaces to support measured and controlled temperatures. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nate Davis | |
Gyrozen Centrifuge | Processing Equipment | A multi-purpose large capacity centrifuge with a maximum speed of 12,000 rpm with high capacity and a large assortment of rotors. Used for separation of components of a mixture. | Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Mat Anker | |
Karl Suss MJB3 Mask Aligner | Processing Equipment | Enables optical lithography, a microfabrication process for selectively removing parts of a thin film to create a pattern or design on a substrate. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Ben Ruck | |
Mechanical Engineering Equipment | Processing Equipment | Range of processing and welding equipment for fabrication of research equipment. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Alex Puglisi | |
Mechanical Engineering Lab | Processing Equipment | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Simon Granville | | |
Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth Chamber | Processing Equipment | The Riber molecular beam epitaxy system is capable of growing epitaxial thin films of extremely high crystalline quality and with atomic level thickness control. Multiple deposition sources allow growth of alloys and multilayered samples. The system is presently confiured for the growth of nitrides. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Oxford Instruments Plasmalab 80 Reactive Ion Etcher | Processing Equipment | For carving patterns into silicon or any other substrate material. At present we have Ar, O2 and SF6 gas for etching. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Nate Davis | |
Plasma Etcher | Processing Equipment | Used to fabricate integrated circuits via high-speed stream of glow discharge of gas. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Natalie Plank | |
Quarum Q150T Carbon Coater | Processing Equipment | The Q150T Plus enables the sputtering of oxidising metals, which have a lower grain size suitable for high-resolution imaging. Similarly, lower scattering allows for high purity, amorphous carbon films of high density. | Metal | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Davide Comoletti | |
Quorum 150T plus Turbomolecular Pumped Coater | Processing Equipment | The Q150T Plus from Quorum Technologies has been optimally developed for use with a turbomolecular pump, which offers a lower vacuum down to 5 x 10?5 mbar. This allows the sputtering of oxidizing metals, which have a lower grain size ideal for high-resolution imaging. Likewise, lower scattering enables the development of high-purity, amorphous carbon films with a high density. | Metal | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
Reichert-Jung Ultramicrotome | Processing Equipment | Used to cut specimens into extremely thin slices, called ultra-thin sections, that can be studied and documented at different magnifications in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | David Flynn | |
Ultrasonic disrupter | Processing Equipment | Uses ultrasound to homogenize biological material (cells, bacteria, spores etc.) | Biological Liquid Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Engineering and Computer Science | Lower North Island | Gideon Gouws | |
Buehler Isomet Precision Saw | Processing Equipment | Gravity fed diamond bladed saw for cutting rock and mineral samples. Particularly suitable for delicate/fragile samples | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Jane Chewings | |
Covington Trim Saw | Processing Equipment | Lapidiary diamond saw for trimming small rock samples. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Diamond Lap | Processing Equipment | For smoothing rock/mineral sample surfaces after cutting | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Drill Press | Processing Equipment | For use in diamond drilling paleomagnetic core samples | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Endecotts Octagon 200 Sieve Shaker | Processing Equipment | Test sieve shaker with 3D sieving motion, for separation based on particle size. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Jane Chewings | |
Fritsch-International Disk Mill Micro-mill Pulverisette 13 | Processing Equipment | For efficient fine grinding of hard-brittle to medium-hard solids. Ideal for medium particle sizes in the areas of mining and metallurgy, ceramics industry, rocks and soils, glass industry, and soil research. | Biological Ceramic Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
LP50 Auto Precision Lapping and Polishing Machine | Processing Equipment | For use in the precision lapping of petrological and mineralogical samples, specifically for petrographic thin section slide preparation. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Jane Chewings | |
Mekton Geoform Thin-section Machine | Processing Equipment | For use in the preparation of petroglogical thin section slides. The instrument is used to trim samples from bonded glass slides and grind these down to a desired thickness before the final polishing process. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Jane Chewings | |
New Wave/Merchantek Micromill | Processing Equipment | Micromilling device designed for high resolution milling to recover sample powders for chemical and isotopic analysis. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Dr. Gillian Turner | |
Outotec MIH(13) 111-5 – High Intensity Induced Roll Magnetic Separator | Processing Equipment | Magnetic susceptibility separator utilising paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties to separate minerals | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Kosta Tashkoff | |
Rocklabs Boyd Crusher | Processing Equipment | Used to reduce the size of different types of materials. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Rocklabs Hydraulic Press | Processing Equipment | Hydraulic press used for breaking up large rock samples into smaller, more managable sizes | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Ningsheng Wang | |
Rocklabs Ring Mill | Processing Equipment | The Continuous Ring Mill is used for coarse pulverising of large rock samples for mineral separation such as Zircon dating, preparing samples for on-stream analysis, dry or slurries. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Ningsheng Wang | |
SG Frantz LB-1 Magnetic Separator | Processing Equipment | Magnetic susceptibility separator utilising paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties to separate minerals | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Dr Luke Liu | |
Sima Handy 350 Tile and Rock Saw | Processing Equipment | Water cooled tile saw used for cutting up larger rock samples | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Struers CitoVac Impregnation Unit | Processing Equipment | Uses compressed air for the impregnation of porous samples and materials. Special mounting cup holders allow for the preparation of multiple specimens at the same time. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Gavin Dunbar or Jane Chewings | |
Struers LaboSystem | Processing Equipment | Used for polishing mineralogical and petrological samples. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Marcel Mizera | |
Thermolyne F30420C-33 Muffle Furnace | Processing Equipment | Large capacity muffle furnace suitable for gravimetric analysis, sintering, quantitative analysis and heat treatment | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences | Lower North Island | Kim McKelvey | |
HAAS SL-20 CNC Metal Lathe with Auto-multi-tool Changer | Processing Equipment | For accurate production of various metal parts. Uses VisualMill/ VisualCam for toolpaths. | Metal Solid |
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Jeong Bin | |
ULS Laser Cutters | Processing Equipment | Suite of 4 x 50W & 60W engraving/modelling ULS laser cutters, suitable for acrylics and wood up to approx 10mm depending on material. Used for architecturel modelling, art & crafts, and protoyping. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation | Lower North Island | Kosta Tashkoff | |
Temperature Controlled Water Tanks | Processing Equipment | For quick dispensing of specific amounts of water at a specific temperature for certain experiments. | Liquid | Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington University Coastal Ecology Laboratory | Lower North Island | John van der Sman | |
NETZCSH DSC-404 Differential Scanning Calorimeter | Thermal Testing | Used to measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in the material | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr. Alec Asadov | |
NETZCSH STA-449 Thermogravimetric Analyser/Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TGA/DSC) | Thermal Testing | DSC – Used to measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in the material TGA – Used to determine a material’s thermal stability, and its fraction of volatile components via monitoring its weight as the temperature is changed. |
Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr. Alec Asadov | |
Perkin-Elmer DSC-800 Differential Scanning Calorimeter | Thermal Testing | Used to measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in the material | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr. Alec Asadov | |
Reverberation chambers and associated equipment | Acoustic Testing | Sound Transmisson loss testing – for walls, windows and door transmisson loss testing such as intertenancy wall systems. | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Reverberation chambers and associated equipment | Acoustic Testing | Impact Sound testing – for impact improvement and impact insulation (IIC) testing of floors and floor coverings such as carpet tiles and intertenancy floor systems. | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Reverberation chambers and associated equipment | Acoustic Testing | Sound Absorption testing- for testing absorption of wall treatment panels and a ceiling grid for ceiling panels. Absorption of other items such as theatre chairs and office furniture testing, in addition to appliance diffuse field testing. | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Anechoic chambers chambers and associated equipment | Acoustic Testing | Sound pressure level testing – for testing sound pressure levels and directivites of objects such as appliances, loud speakers, microphones etc. | Other Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Impedance tubes | Acoustic Testing | Normal incidence conditions with small scale samples for testing absorption and transmisson loss properties of different materials and items under normal incidence sound pressure waves. | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Polytec PDV-100 | Acoustic Testing | Vibration velocity measurement testing | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
GRAS 46AE | Acoustic Testing | Sound level testing | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
B&K Analyzer 3160 | Acoustic Testing | Acoustic testing | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Tapping machine | Acoustic Testing | Impact testing | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Dynmanic Shaker | Acoustic Testing | Dynamic testing | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Listening room | Acoustic Testing | Subjective testing | Other | University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Flow resitivity setup | Acoustic Testing | Testing a materials resistance to airflow, useful for characterising a materials sound absorption potential | Polymer Solid |
University Of Auckland – Acoustics Testing Service | Upper North Island | Andrew Hall | |
Shimadzu TGA-50 Thermogravimetric Analyser | Thermal Testing | Used to determine a material’s thermal stability, and its fraction of volatile components via monitoring its weight as the temperature is changed. | Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Auckland, Chemical and Materials Engineering | Upper North Island | Dr. Alec Asadov | |
PerkinElmer STA8000 Thermogravimetric Analyser/Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TGA/DSC) | Thermal Testing | DSC – Used to measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in the material TGA – Used to determine a material’s thermal stability, and its fraction of volatile components via monitoring its weight as the temperature is changed. |
Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Waikato, School of Engineering | Upper North Island | Shannon McMurray | |
Thermal Vacuum Chamber | Thermal Testing | Used to simulate thermal and pressure cycles; used for testing of parts e.g. for spacecrafts | Other Solid |
University of Auckland, Te Punuha Atea – Space Institute | Upper North Island | Guglielmo Aglietti | |
NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter Thermal Analyzer – Thermogravimetric Analysis/Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TGA/DSC) | Thermal Testing | DSC – Used to measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in the material TGA – Used to determine a material’s thermal stability, and its fraction of volatile components via monitoring its weight as the temperature is changed. |
Ceramic Metal Polymer Solid |
University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Aaron Marshall | |
Alphatech DSC Q100 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) | Thermal Testing | TheDSC Q100 Differential scanning calorimeter is an efficient and powerful tool for quick determination of specific heat and enthalpy change accompanying the primary or secondary phase transition of a substance. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Chris Lepper | |
Alphatech SDT Q600 Theromgravimetric Analyser/Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TGA/DSC) | Thermal Testing | The Q600 provides simultaneous measurement of weight change (TGA) and true differential heat flow (DSC) on the same sample from ambient to 1,500 ?C. It features a field-proven horizontal dual beam design with automatic beam growth compensation, and the ability to analyze two TGA samples simultaneously. DSC heat flow data is dynamically normalized using the instantaneous sample weight at any given temperature. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Gillian Turner | |
Shimadzu DCS-60 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) | Thermal Testing | For determination of specific heat and enthalpy change accompanying the primary or secondary phase transition of a substance. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Justin Hodgkiss | |
Shimadzu TGA-50 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) | Thermal Testing | Optimally applicable to the measurement of adsorbed water, water of crystallization and residual solvent, the thermal stability of substances, and solid (liquid) to gas and gas to solid (liquid) phase changes in decomposition and oxidation reactions. | Solid | Victoria University of Wellington, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences | Lower North Island | Mat Anker | |
Ion Pipette Aspiration (IPA) setup | Mechanical Testing | Used to measure the mechanical properties of soft colloidal particles dispersed in aqueous solutions as they squeeze through the tip of a nanopipette. Flexible setup; good for e.g. polymers, cells, other vesicles. Data sets include optical microscopy imaging of the experiment, and synchronized nA-scale ion currents measured through the pipette tip. | Biological | Department of Physics, The University of Auckland | Upper North Island | Geoff Willmott | |
Photron Fastcam SA5 and AX50 cameras | Imaging | Cameras are set up in a Dynamic Microfluidics Lab, best for imaging tabletop experiments of moving particles on um to cm length scales. Flexible for adaptations – possible to move to other labs or use for larger-scale imaging. Environmental chamber can heat experiments to 180degC and control humidity. | Solid Liquid Polymer Ceramic Powders Biological |
Department of Physics, The University of Auckland | Upper North Island | Geoff Willmott | |
Resistive pulse sensing (RPS) | Analytical Testing | Equipment available for RPS using nanopipettes, plus expertise regarding tunable resistive pulse sensing (Izon qNano equipment) | Other | Department of Physics, The University of Auckland | Upper North Island | Geoff Willmott | |
Gas adsorption kinetics (Custom) | Analytical Testing | SolidPolymerCeramic | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Matthew Cowan | | |
Gel permeation chromatography (Malvern TDA 305) | Analytical Testing | molecular weight distribution of hydrophilic polymer | Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Gel permeation chromatography (Futecs) | Analytical Testing | molecular weight distribution of hydrophobic polymer | Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Pycnometer (Anton Paar UltaFoam1200e) | Analytical Testing | density of solid material open and closed cell contents of porous material (in accordance with ASTM D6226) |
Solid Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Particle counter (Dotech PSU520) | Analytical Testing | counting particles in the air | Other | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Universal test machine (Instron 5965) |
Mechanical Testing | tensile properties, compressive properties, bending properties | Solid Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Rotational rheometer (Rheometric Scientific ARES) |
Mechanical Testing | rheological properties (viscosity, complex viscosity, complex moduli) | Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Rotational rheometer (Rheometric Scientific SR5000) |
Mechanical Testing | rheological properties (viscosity, complex viscosity, complex moduli, creep) | Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Mini extruder (Haake MiniCTW) |
Processing Equipment | mixing polymer with other additives, extruding polymer melt or solution |
Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Polymer synthesis system (Custom) | Processing Equipment | synthesis of polymer in solution phase | Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Fixed bed reactor (Custom) | Processing Equipment | synthesis of chemicals in gas/liquid phase | Other | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Chemical reaction system (Custom) | Processing Equipment | reaction of harsh chemicals such as strong acids and bases | Liquid | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Supercritical flux extraction (Custom) |
Processing Equipment | extracting certain chemical from another material | Solid Liquid |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Supercritical flux extraction (ISCO SFX2-10) |
Processing Equipment | extracting certain chemical from another material | Solid Liquid |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Supercritical foaming (Custom) |
Processing Equipment | physical foaming polymers using supercritical fluid | Solid Polymer Other |
University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Heon Park | |
Spinsolve Ultra Carbon 60 NMR | Analytical Testing | chemical composition analysis | Liquid | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Daniel Holland | |
Ilumr Benchtop MRI | Imaging | Imaging of structures of opaque materials, characterisation of microstructure, measurement of diffusivity | Liquid | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Daniel Holland | |
V5r Electrical Impedance Tomography | Imaging | Imaging of opaque, conductive liquids | Liquid | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Daniel Holland | |
Anton Paar MCR 302 Rheometer | Mechanical Testing | Rheological characterisation of materials | LiquidPolymerOther | University of Canterbury, Chemical and Process Engineering | Upper South Island | Ken Morison | |
Castor Chair Test for the carpet | Mechanical Testing | Wear and Appearance with Castor chairs | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tensile Tester- Delamination for the carpet | Mechanical Testing | Calculate the force to delaminate carpets | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Dynamic Loader | Mechanical Testing | Thickness loss under repeated loading | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Electrical Resistance Meter | Electrical Testing | Surface resistance of carpets | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tetrapod-Fibre loss | Analytical Testing | Calculate fibre loss of carpets with wear | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Usometer | Mechanical Testing | Fuzzing and pilling of carpets | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Hexapod test | Analytical Testing | Determine the appearance change of carpets with use | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Soiling Propensity- soiling tester | Mechanical Testing | Propensity of carpet to soil take-up | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Staining Propensity- colorimeter and strainer | Mechanical Testing | Resistance of textiles to various stains | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Static Generation – Stroll Test | Mechanical Testing | Static propensity of carpets | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Static Loading (Short Term) | Mechanical Testing | Thickness loss with short term load | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Static Loading (Long Term) | Mechanical Testing | Thickness loss with long term load | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Weight tester | Mechanical Testing | Propensity to cracking of underlays | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Thickness tester | Mechanical Testing | Thickness of underlays- Total thickness | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Dynamic loader | Mechanical Testing | Thickness loss under repeated loading | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Static loader | Mechanical Testing | Thickness loss with repeated loading | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tensile tester | Mechanical Testing | Breaking load of underlays | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Work of compression (before &after)-Thickness tester | Mechanical Testing | Work to compress before dynamic loading | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
WIRA abrasion tester | Mechanical Testing | Weight loss after number of rubs and endpoints or number of rubs | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Martindale Abrasion resistance | Mechanical Testing | Fabric abrasion resistance using Martindale | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Cusick drape tester | Mechanical Testing | Ability of fabrics to draping | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Voltmeter | Electrical Testing | Surface resistance of fabrics | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Soxhlet | Analytical Testing | Extractable Matter from Fabric | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Flex tester | Mechanical Testing | Flex test- cracking of coated fabrics with flexing | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Hydrostatic head tester | Mechanical Testing | Water penetration under pressure | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Hygral expansion test | Mechanical Testing | Dimensional fabric changes with moisture | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Crimp tester | Mechanical Testing | Linear Density of Yarn from Fabric- depicts mass per unit length of yarn | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Loop slippage test | Mechanical Testing | Propensity of loops to move in towels | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Capillary tester | Thermal Testing | Melting temperature of fibres | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Moisture Vapour permeability | Analytical Testing | Calculates movement of moisture vapour through fabric- in house | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tensile tester | Mechanical Testing | Dimensional changes with repeated loading and Seam Slippage or Strength | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Pilling tester | Mechanical Testing | Propensity of fabrics to pilling | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Wascater | Mechanical Testing | Shrinkage (Felting & Relaxation)- fabric washing shrinkage | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tensile tester | Mechanical Testing | Measurement of force for puller attachment, lateral strength, closed end strength, force to remove interlocking strength, force to move slider lock durability | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Mullen busrt tester | Mechanical Testing | Determine the force to burst fabrics | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tensile tester | Mechanical Testing | Tensile strength and tear strength of fabrics | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Togmeter | Thermal Testing | Insulation performance of fabrics | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Spectrophotometer | Analytical Testing | Resistance of fabrics to UV rays penetration | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Water penetration test | Analytical Testing | Fabric water resistance | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Water and Oil Repellency (Droplet Test) | Analytical Testing | Fabric resistance to water and oils | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Water Repellency (Spray Test) | Analytical Testing | Fabric resistance to water | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Water Repellency (WIRA Shower) | Analytical Testing | Penetration of water through fabrics | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Alkali Solubility | Analytical Testing | Mass loss with alkali on wool | Solid Liquid |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
AZO dyes chromatography | Analytical Testing | Testing to various schemes | Solid Liquid |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Spectrophotometer- Formaldehyde | Analytical Testing | Measure of free formaldehyde in textiles | Solid Liquid |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Viscometer-fluidity | Analytical Testing | Measure of cotton damage on laundering | Solid Liquid |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Insect resist agents | Analytical Testing | Measure of insect R agents on wool products | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Cigarette and Match test | Thermal Testing | Conformance to various standards using specified test rig | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Cone calorimeter | Thermal Testing | Conformance to various standards eg:NZBC | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Specified ignition tester | Thermal Testing | Ease of Ignition -Conformance to various standards | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Vertical flame tester | Thermal Testing | Flame Spread Properties, Surface or Edge-Conformance to various standards | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Flammability test | Thermal Testing | For materials -conformance to NZBC for curtains, AS1530.2 | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Flame propogation of plastics | Thermal Testing | Conformance to AS 2122.1, 1366.1.2.3 NZBC using specified test rig | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Heat transmission test | Thermal Testing | Conformance to various PPE standards using specified test rig | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Hot Metal Nut Test | Thermal Testing | Flammability of carpets | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Radiant Panel test | Thermal Testing | Conformance to NZBC for carpets | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Surface Burning Test (one side) | Thermal Testing | Conformance to AS NZS 1249- pile fabrics using specified test rig | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tablet test (Pill test) | Thermal Testing | Conformance of carpets to various specs- methenamill pill test | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Soxhlet | Mechanical Testing | Extractable Matter from Yarn | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Microscope | Imaging | Percentages of components- Fibre ID , cotton/linen blends, specialty animal fibres /wool | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Tensile tester | Mechanical Testing | Tensile strength of yarn | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Twist tester | Mechanical Testing | Twist turns per metre | Solid Other |
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Perspirometer | Analytical Testing | Colour change of fabrics to sea water, Shampooing, washing, water, acid or alkaline solutions (artificila perspiration) | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Xenon Arc test | Mechanical Testing | Colour change of fabrics/carpet to light | Solid | New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Ltd | Mid North Island | Lorraine Greer | |
Sciex 6500+ LC-MS/MS | Analytical Testing | For quantitation of small molecules in complex matrices down to very low concentrations (ng/L) | Liquid | Analytica Laboratories | Mid North Island | Jacob Jaine | |
Thermo Ultimate 3000 UPLC-DAD/FLD | Analytical Testing | For quantitation of molecules in simple samples at modest concentrations (mg/L) | Liquid | Analytica Laboratories | Mid North Island | Jacob Jaine | |
Thermo Exploris 480 LC-HRMS/DAD | Analytical Testing | For quantitation of small molecules and proteins in complex sample types, identification of biomarkers, accurate mass measurements, comparison of products, forensic analyses, etc. | Liquid | Analytica Laboratories | Mid North Island | Jacob Jaine | |
Spectramax i3 UV/Vis FLD Plate Reader | Analytical Testing | For high-throughput ultraviolet/visible or fluorescent quantitation methods, often used in combination with kits | Liquid | Analytica Laboratories | Mid North Island | Jacob Jaine | |
SLM/Renishaw AM400 | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printing of meatl specimens by process of Selective Laser Melting (SLM) | Metal | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
SLS /EOS FORMIGA P 100 | Additive Manufacturing | 3D printing of meatl specimens by process of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) | Polymer | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Multi-Jet Printer/3D System ProJet 5500X | Additive Manufacturing | Large, high-quality multi-material parts priniting in a single build |
Liquid | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Binder-jet Printer/3D Systems Projet 360 | Additive Manufacturing | ColorJet Printing (CJP) 3D printing technology | Ceramic | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
FDM Printer/CreatBot F430 | Additive Manufacturing | Polymer and metal infil filaments are used to creat 3D model by Fused deposition modeling | Polymer | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
SLA/ POLYPEO Phenom L | Additive Manufacturing | Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing, or resin 3D printing | Polymer | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
SLS/ Benchtop assembly by AUT 3D printing lab | Additive Manufacturing | Analysis of new powder form materils for selective laser sintering processes | Powders | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Extrussion 3D Printing/ Benchtop assembly by AUT 3D printing lab | Additive Manufacturing | Extrussion 3D printing of polymer composites by pellet form. | Other | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Laser Cutting/Thuder Laser | Processing Equipment | Laser cutting | Other | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Furnace/Nabertherm P 300 | Processing Equipment | Annealing and Hardening Furnace | Metal | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Blasting/MOD-U-BLAST | Processing Equipment | Post processing of metal 3D printed parts | Metal | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Sarat Singamneni | |
Ducom | Mechanical Testing | Sliding wear testing | Solid | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Maziar Ramezani | |
Ducom | Mechanical Testing | Sliding wear testing | Solid | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Maziar Ramezani | |
Ducom | Mechanical Testing | Testing load carrying capacity of lubricants | Liquid | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Maziar Ramezani | |
Rtec – Ivium | Mechanical Testing | Tribo-corrosion testing | Solid | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Maziar Ramezani | |
Processing Equipment | Knitting Systems | Other | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Peter Heslop | | |
Processing Equipment | Digitial textile printing | Other | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Peter Heslop | | |
Processing Equipment | Feltloom needle flting | Other | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Peter Heslop | | |
Processing Equipment | Digital waeving loom for producing woven fabrics | Other | Auckland University of Technology | Upper North Island | Peter Heslop | | |
Bruker 600 MHz NMR with triple resonance probe and cooled Samplejet | Other | The Bruker 600 MHz with a cooled sampler allows for automated measurement of a large number of biological samples. This is an optimal set up for the measurement of clinical samples and is currently the only one of its kind in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our instrument also allows for the analysis of large biological molecules sich as proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. | Biological | University of Canterbury | Upper South Island | Michael Kevin Edmonds | |
Computer Controlled Servo Hydraulic Bending Testing Machine | Mechanical Testing | The YAW-1000 electro-hydraulic servo pressure tester performs automated vertical compression tests on metal and non-metal materials up to 1000kN. It features a computer-controlled system for precise data analysis and is used in metallurgy, construction, aerospace, and research. | MetalSolid | University of Waikato | Mid North Island | Zhiyuan (Arthur) Fang | |
Computer Controlled Servo Hydraulic Compression Testing Machine | Mechanical Testing | The YAW-1000 microcomputer-controlled electro-hydraulic servo pressure tester performs vertical compression tests on metal and non-metal materials with a 1000kN capacity. It features automated control via a computer-managed servo valve, making it ideal for metallurgy, construction, aerospace, and research applications. | MetalSolid | University of Waikato | Mid North Island | Arthur Fang | |
Shimadzu Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-1900i) Spectrometer | Analytical Testing | Measure light absorbance of the sample across the ultraviolet and visible ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. | Liquid | ESP Medical Limited Partnership | Upper North Island | Hillary Sharp | |
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) | Analytical Testing | High performance liquid chromatography is an analytical technique which enables separating, identification, and quantification of the components of the analytical mixture. | Liquid | ESP Medical Limited Partnership | Mid North Island | Hillary Sharp | |
Weisstechnic C1500 environmental chamber Temperature and Humidity control | Environmental Testing | Large volume environmental chamber for thermal cycle testing of small and large products. | Ceramic Liquid Metal Other Polymer Solid |
Globex Engineering | Upper North Island | Chris Komatas | |
Bruker Biotyper Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time Of Flight (MALDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometer |
Biological Testing | Microbial identification Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi IANZ Accredited Service Low cost fast turn around Supply pure culture agar plate |
Biological | SC Bio Ltd | Upper North Island | Aaron Watson | |
nexgen-MCS Agilent Epoch 2 PRS 3 |
Biological Testing | Kinetic Chromogenic LAL Endotoxin testing Kinetic Turbidimetric LAL Endotoxin Testing Recombinant LAL (rCR) Endotoxin Testing |
Biological | SC Bio Ltd | Upper North Island | Aaron Watson | |
DNA Sequencing | Biological Testing | Microbial identification Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi NATA ISO 17025 Accredited Service GMP Service (suitable for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing) ITS & 16S regions Supply Alkaline Lysis Buffer Preparation |
Biological | SC Bio Ltd | Upper North Island | Aaron Watson | |